1. Mute

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"Don't you go far from hea nie' Troy!" I heard momma yell as my feet took hold of me, racing me round' the market, in search of that sweet smell that always caught me every time we arrived.

and I sho' was moving I tell ya! Going and going, them little feet's of mine could beat anybody when I was tryna get to them desserts.

I was moving so fast, when I fell flat on my bottom, the small pebbles in the granite road poking me through my yella' Sunday dress, startled me, making my brown eyes go big and thickened eyebrows furrowed.

"Woah there lil lady.." I heard, looking up and rubbing my forehead as if it was the thing that was hurting, seeing the man before me extend a hand with a warm smile.

Leery of em, I simply stood to my feet, my good shoes having a scratch in the leather.

Ooo, momma ain't gone be happy bout that.

and I just know it's some dirt on the back of my dress.

The man put his hand down upon me not taking it, and still smiled. "Alrighty then.." he cleared his throat and I sighed, swiping at my bottom as I stood, hoping I was getting all the dust off until my eyes landed on another pair of brown ones, coming up beside the man and carrying a big basket full of all the good fruits.

He had apples, oranges, plums, nectarines and more.. I love nectarines..

Taking note of my strong eye on em, the boy who looked to be about my age finally looked my way, and I sent him the biggest snagga toothed smile he probably ever seen, but he didn't really smile back, he just... looked.

"Troy!" I heard my mother call, and i quickly turned around, just knowing by the tone of her voice she'd seen the dirt on me, and I was in for it now.

As she came up on me, I felt smaller and smaller seeing her disappointed look. "Oh Troy." She almost pouted with a sigh, examining my shoes as well. "Your shoes too?" She let my arm go after spinning me, and not to mention embarrassing me in front of the boy!

"Momma.." I whined, rubbing my arm and she smacked her lips, tilting her head. "Ain't no momma'ing me. I done been lucky to get all dem stains out ya clothes, but I don't know bout this one Troy." She huffed.

The older man before us cleared his throat, reaching out his hand. "Uh excuse me ma'am.. Joseph Green." He introduced himself, and momma quickly smoothened her best dress, smiling and shaking his hand. "Charlotte." She nodded. "Charlotte Rose." She added daddy's last name.

"Mm, Rose you say?" He questioned and she hurriedly nodded as they let go of each others hands. "Yes sir, and this here is my daughter Troy." She took hold of my shoulders, placing me in front of her as I allowed my eyes to go back to the boys, and to my surprise he'd been watching me this entire time with that same look.


"We've met." The man smiled down at me and i discreetly rolled my eyes before reaching over into the basket the little boy was carrying, not being able to help myself any longer, grabbing one of those big juicy looking nectarines!

and I took a big bite out of it too, making sure I didn't bite close to the seed, and when I did that, momma looked so shocked she snatched at my arm faster than the chickens be running out they coop for feeding time.

"Troy Rose-" The man interrupted her. "Oh no ma'am, it's fine. You can actually take a few for your journey if you'd like." He told momma and she shook her head. "No sir, thank you, but she knows better than to be taking and eating other peoples thangs." Momma gave me a stern look.

I didn't care. I just wanted to see what the boy was gonna do, and he still stood there watching me like I was foreign.

Maybe if he was a lil light skin then I could understand.

They always looking at us like we don't belong. But he just as black as me!

"You mute a' some!?" I squinted my eyes, allowing my words to spew out of my mouth as I tilted my head, dang near shouting at em, and momma seemed to be fed up. "That is enough Troy!" She pulled me to her side then.

I'm really gone get it nie.

"He actually is." The older man spoke up, and that messed up my mind then.

I didn't know the boy was really mute..

"Oh.." I lowered my hand that was holding that oh so delicious fruit, feeling a little shame.

"I'm so sorry Mr Green." My mother apologized. "Please forgive my daughter.. she's a bit out there. I think she gets that from her father." She joked a bit mentioning daddy as she apologized.

Mr Green shook his head, dismissing my behavior yet again. "No mind that, she's just a child." He forgave me.

"Speaking of her father, I was about to ask, would your husband happen to be Terry Rose?" Mr Green asked about daddy and that sure peaked my interest.

Momma always told me to stay outta grown folks business.. buts it's clear I don't listen much.

"He'd stopped by my lumber yard a couple days back, applying for a job. Correct?" Mr Green asked another question and momma nodded. "Yes sir!" She smiled, answering with hope in her eyes.

"He's been struggling with finding work for years now, we've been traveling town to town ever since they laid off the plant jobs out there in Fortworth.. so now we're here." Momma explained and Mr Green nodded, thinking.

"Yes, he'd said the same, I would love to have further conversation with him, I was just about to send out the letters for new hiring today." He mentioned and momma couldn't help but smile, and it made me smile, It felt good to know that momma was finally gone get to get some kind of break from working all them long hours alone. Providing for us.

As they exchanged information about our living and momma said her plans to prepare a nice dinner for Mr Green and daddy to talk further, my eyes drifted back over to the young boy, and I smiled again, hoping he could see it as my apology for calling out his disability.

and when he smiled back... Ooo Chile, something in me erupted like the flys be coming out the trash when it sit too long in the summer heat.

He had nice teeth, like his was all grown in or they ain't had none fall out yet.

He's good looking, and clean too, like the lil light skinned boys I seen on the television when we had one, except he has my skin.

"Come on hea Troy. Gotta get back to prepare dinner for your father." Mommas words grabbed my attention and before I knew it, I was being pulled away from the boy whose name I never got.

and those sweet lemon sticky buns that I was initially running towards. Knowing I wasn't gone get 'em anyway.

Eventually my steps fell in line with mommas, but when I looked back, through and around all the towns folk, I seen em..

He was still looking.

Looking at me,
and I was looking at him.


I hope you enjoy,

LaDonnaJ  <3

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