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I walked into Sarah's bedroom and for a second my mind was all puzzled and confuzeled. Her's was more of a boy's room than mine. I shrugged it off - I'm not one to judge. I sat on the end of her bed politely and waited while she got changed in the bathroom.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw something pink peeking out of the closet drawer. Curiosity got the better of me and I walked over to it. Jently tugging the fabric out, I saw it was a beautiful tutu. I put it on and closed my eyes, imagining I was a ballerina. Unfortunately, I can't dance to save my life and tripped over my own feet, landing with a crash on her bedroom floor. Sarah came rushing in and laughed when she saw the source of the noise. My cheeks flushed red but instead of call me names, she helped me up and searched around in her drawer.

"I have never worn this but now I finally have a friend, we can put it to some good use!" She said, pulling out a purple tutu. Friend! She considers me a friend! That is a first. I don't know how to react so i stand uncomfortably.

She sees my change in attitude so changes the subject. "Shall we make some popcorn?" I nod my head excitedly and ask her "Can we make jelly too?" "Sure!" She exclaimed, before dragging me off into the kitchen to make popcorn and jelly.

She passed me my bowl and we settled down to watch TV. Since it was her house, I let her choose the movie. She picks one out and inserts in in the DVD player. As soon as it begins, people are being murdered and killed. I shriek and dive to hide behind Sarah, who is engrosed in the film but has a ghost of a smile on her, acknowledging that I am a wuss.

When a lady screamed, I jumped and my popcorn flew everywhere. Sarah paused the TV and helped me pick it up. She is very kind. I was imagining what it would be like to be killed in such a way like the people in horror movies and a single tear fel down my face. Not getting to say goodbye to my family would be awful! Sarah saw me crying and held me close.

"Let's change the movie. What do you want to watch?" She asked softly. I thought for less than a moment before asking " Can we watch a Barbie movie?" She jenty laughed and nodded in approval. We settled on "Barbie in the princess and the pauper" and made some fresh popcorn. Sarah had the bright idea of bringing chocolate spread to dip it in and half way through the film, just as Erica escaped from the jail cell, I felt myself falling asleep and after fighting it for all of a minute, I succumbed to the waiting black abyss.

um well.. bye! //larry au//Where stories live. Discover now