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Louis seems sweet.

My first lesson is phys. Ed. Great. I walk to the sports changing rooms and line up side with my class outside, staying silent.

"Oh heyy! Are you new here?"


"Aw... You would look so pretty and girly with makeup..."

"Thanks..." I mumble and walk in when my name is called from the register.

As soon as all the girls are in the changing room, I grab my bag and begin to walk to the bathroom stall.

"Excuse me, Miss Styles, where are you going?" My PE teacher says.

"Erm.. To change in the bathroom!" I say quickly.

"Ha. Ha. Nice try. Sit down."

Shit. No! It's happening again!

They'll see the bandages. I slowly walk back the bench. I start to take off my shoes while all the other girls are changing into their pe uniforms. Suddenly an announcement comes onto the intercom.

"Can we please have Sarah styles in the office? Thank you!"

I slip both my shoes on and run out the room as fast as I can. I run into the office and see Louis sitting there. He turns to look at me and I notice his eye is bloody and swollen. I stand frozen in the door way, looking at him.

"Take a seat." The head master says.

I walk over to the seat next to Louis and sit down, not taking my eyes off of him.

"Louis, what happened?" I whisper.

"Mr Tomlinson had gotten himself into an unfortunate situation this morning and had asked for you to come in. Louis, now that Sarah is here why don't you tell her what has happened?" the Louis started to tear up and I don't know what to do so I hug him and he starts to cry into my chest.

"H-he h-hit m-me." He says between sobs.


"I-I d-don't-t k-know."

The head master decides to speak up.

"Louis, when you come to school dressed like this, you have to expect things like thi..."


Then it's my turn to speak


"Maybe, instead of teaching people to hide who they really are, teach the bullies to, oh I don't know, not bully people?!"

The head master looks at me with wide eyes.

"You can both go." He says.

I stand up with Louis still hugging my waist, grab both our bags and lead us both out.

"Does this happen normally?" I ask him. He nods slowly.

"Hey, come round to my house tonight. You can get off at my stop and my parent won't mind."

"ok." He says as the bell rings for next lesson.

I look in his planner to see his next lesson and I begin to walk him to the classroom when a group of boys, stereotypical hghschool jocks, rush by us and try to tackle Louis to the ground. I try and yank him upward so he doesn't hit the floor. I pull him into my chest and move him into an empty classroom and lock the door.

"Are you ok?" I ask him

"I think so."

I really don't want to get into trouble so I move away from the door and signal to Louis to follow me so that no one sees us.

"I don't get why everyone hates me so much," He says," they always call me disgusting and a trans but I'm not, I just like girl things."

Should I tell him? No. I can't.

"yea." I mumble.

We sit in the corner of the class for the rest of the lesson and just talk. Well, I dint say much, it was mostly Louis just telling me about himself. He's a cross- dresser.. It makes sense now. He told me about how his shy and quiet and doesn't like the colour maroon. He's something special.

um well.. bye! //larry au//Where stories live. Discover now