The Isle of Skye

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Mara was looking forward to the busy summer season winding down. The past few months had been hectic due to the annual influx of tourists visiting the island. Some of whom chose to stay at the inn where she worked. Merlin's Talon was a small inn, with 8 rooms, but cozy. Equipped with all the modern amenities tourists would want including internet and a pub that served food. Not to mention each room's great view of the bay. As a result, the inn would be booked months in advance during the height of the tourist season. Today, most of the guests had gone sightseeing. Mara leaned against the front desk with a sigh, grateful for a slower pace for the day.

"Hey, Mara, have you seen Talon? I thought he would be back with today's catch by now." Shada asked, walking up to the desk. "I'd call him, but he can't get a signal when he is out on the water."

"No, I haven't seen him, but I'm sure he's fine." Mara reassured her, sensing her concern. Just then the phone on the front desk began to ring.

"Not like him to be running late." Shada said, going behind the desk to answer the phone.

"Want me to go down to the dock and see if he his boat is headed in?"

Shada mouthed the words, "Sure, thanks. " Before speaking into the phone. 

"No problem, Shada." Mara replied, coming from behind the desk, adding, "He probably just lost track of time." before exiting out the door. Before purchasing the inn, Talon worked as a fisherman full time. Often doing business with the inn's previous owner, selling seafood for use in the inn's restaurant/pub. That's how he met his wife Shada, who was an employee at the inn. The two pooled their money together, buying the inn after the owner passed away. The inn is his full-time job now, but Talon kept the fishing boat to continue supplying the restaurant with seafood. Strolling through the car park, Mara made her way down the road towards the path that led to the bay. Admiring the view of the bay as it stretched out to meet the blue horizon, she spotted Talon's boat pulling up to the dock. He stepped off the boat tying it to the post. Looking up he gave a wave as he noticed Mara headed his way. She quickened her pace as she called out to him. "Hey, your wife's looking for you!"

Finished with securing his boat to the dock, he hurried towards Mara. She could see an excited look on his face when he met up with her. "You'll never guess what I caught?!" Talon exclaimed.

"A huge haul of salmon?" Mara replied sarcastically. "Is that why you're late getting back? Your net was so full that the weight of the boat slowed you down?"

"Oh, I caught something great alright, and its gonna put us on the map." he boasted.


"A merman!"

Mara stared at Talon with a bewildered look on her face. "Ah, good one." Mara replied with a chuckle. " You had me going there for a moment."

Talon grasped her by the shoulders. "I'm telling ya, as I live and breathe, it's a real merman." Talon earnestly insisted. "Go see for yourself." he offered, gesturing towards his boat before hurrying towards the path.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"To tell everyone back at the inn!" He said, taking his leave. Mara stood there, bewildered, trying to make sense of what Talon had told her. He was known for telling tall tales from time to time like any proper fisherman but this? He was going to great lengths to convince her if it was a prank. Then again, Mara had never known him to be a prankster in all the years she had worked for him. She slowly turned her gaze from her boss to his ship tied to the dock. She took a deep breath and cautiously walked towards the boat. Stepping aboard, she could see the fishing net wrapped around what looked like a dolphin? A sturgeon? Or a seal? Surely an old fisherman like Talon would know the difference, she thought to herself. Carefully, she approached the catch, an iridescent, emerald, green tail visible through the tangle of netting. She stepped closer, the tail flopping about as the poor creature tried to wiggle free. Definitely not someone wearing a swim fin, Mara surmised. Her line of sight following along from the tail up to an abdomen, a chest, tone arms and broad shoulders. all resembling a human male. A cord of hemp with a piece of cobalt colored sea pottery around its neck. Mara gasped, standing still, staring into turquoise-colored, decidedly human eyes that were staring back at her through the wet, brown hair hanging down in his eyes. The creature all the while continuing to struggle against the net. Her initial shock gave way to sympathy. Talon would be livid. It might even cost her, her job. Maybe Mara had watched one too many movies, but she couldn't stand the thought of that creature being held captive. Forced to live out its days as some freak in a side show or worse yet, a lab rat in a cage. Mara knew she had to set it free. She partially unraveled part of the net, grasping it tightly in both hands. The creature conveyed an understanding as he scooted closer to the side of the boat, sitting up, hooking his elbow and tail over the side of the boat. Mara gave the net a tug, and with a concerted heave on both their parts, the merman was lifted, up and over, sending the merman tumbling into the water. She stood there for the longest time, staring into the water where the merman had disappeared, sinking down into the murky depths below. Finally turning away, she got off the boat. Striding up the deck hoping to return to the inn before Talon got back to his boat, only to look up and see Talon walking towards her.

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