Chapter 5

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Rachaels POV

It has been a few days since Charlie thought El and Casey kissed, and he was extremely stressed. I've tried everything to calm him down. It won't work. I was fed up.

"Char you know they probably didn't kiss, you're overthinking."
"YOU KNOW WHAT;" I started, "I BET SHE DID KISS CASEY AND I BET HE WOULD KISS ME BETTER THAN YOU DO BECAUSE HES A REAL MAN." I started to march out Charlie's door when he picked me up by the waist and pushed me on to the bed.
"I am a man, love." He growled in my ear. We kissed and then the rest was a blur...

*Few weeks later*


I had been staying at Caseys for a while because Charlie was being odd. The boys had just gotten through to live shows and I was extremely proud of my brother and Casey. Reece and I had been flirting a lot as well. Making Casey extremely jealous. I don't even know what Casey and I are. Or what Reece and I are. I knew they both liked me, they had made it obvious. But I didn't know who I belonged with.

Over the past week weeks I had grown close with the other boys' girlfriends. So I decided to go to Starbucks with them to ask for their advice.

To: Bananas🍌

From Elshizzle;

Meet me at Starbucks in half an hour! X

I soon got a bunch of yes's from the girls and I started to get dressed. I threw on ripped black skinny jeans, a white long sleeved crop top and wrapped a plaid shirt around my waist. As for my hair I tied it into a pony tail.

"Casey I'm going out, see you later." I said as I walked into the living room.
"Okay babe," He stood up and hugged me, I must say he did make me melt." I'll see you later yeah? I've got rehearsals so maybe if you want to go out for dinner after that...?"
"Yeah sure! Casual or Fancy."
"Casual, it's a cute cafè in the centre of London. You'll like it. Meet me here at 5?"
"Of course." I looked down and blushed.
"It's a date!" He smirked. I blushed again and quickly stuttered
"I-I've gotta go I'll be late, bye Case." I speed walked out the door to my Beetle.
I sang along to all the songs that came on the radio until I arrived. I walked in only to see minna Caoihme, Amy & Nicola there.
"We're just waiting on Bethany and Rachael!" Minna giggled.
Bethany and Rachael soon popped through the door and we all bought our drinks.
"So what's up?" Amy said.
"Who's gonna start..?" I asked.
"I have some news but it can wait." Rachael said.
the other girls mumbled saying they didn't have any.
"So Rach, you first, or me?"
"You!" She grinned.
"Okay well," I started." It's Casey, I like him. A lot. But then there's Reece as well and ugh! Case is taking me on a date tonight but I really don't know." I groaned. Boys were so confusing!
"Sweetheart, don't stress. I went through the same with Chris and Tom. They both liked me and I liked them but I knew Chris was the one for me." Nicola smiled and Minna choked on her drink.
"Sorry Minna!" Nicola giggled. Minna smiled looking nervous. She has always been paranoid that someone else will come along and Tom will leave her, when he's clearly head over heels for her and would do anything to please her.
"I agree with Nicola!" Amy said.
I smiled unsurely.
"Rach your news?"

"Okay I don't know what to do." She started," I'm fucking pregnant with Charlie's baby and I don't know what to do."
"You didn't use protection?" Bethany said.
"No it was just so fast I didn't-" Rachael broke down into tears," How am I supposed to tell him that his career could possibly be ruined!" She sobbed even more.
We all hugged her and insured her everything would be okay.

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