Chapter 3

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Charlie's POV

"I just can't believe I didn't get through!" I sobbed on my mums shoulder. We started to head towards the exit when a man called my name. This could be my chance? I ran over to him and he told me about the judges idea to create a band. This is my shot! I assumed there would be 4 more guys or less, but when I got to the stage there were 7 others?!? Okay then.
"You will be a band with these 7 other lads! You have two weeks to choose a song and rehearse it to see if you get through to the next round! Congrats boys!"
I hugged these total strangers and we made our way backstage to introduce ourselves!
"Hi I'm James!" a Tall dark haired boy said.
"Hi I'm Tom!" A boy with brown hair said. He was average height.
"Hi I'm Reece!" A Northen boy said.
"Hi I'm casey." A boy with brown hair and a quiff said.
"Hi I'm Barclay!" An extremely tall boy said, wait he was the one who Yodels!
"Hi I'm Jake!". A short guy grinned merrily.
"Hi I'm Chris!" An Irish lad said.
It was my turn to introduce myself.
"Hi I'm Charlie!"

"Well, should we introduce our families and girlfriends?"James said.
We quickly got introduced to each other's families!
"Time to introduce our girlfriends!" Jake said.
"This is Amy!" He said. A tall blonde haired girl stood beside him and shook all of our hands.
"This is Nicola! She's gorgeous!" Chris said, standing beside him was a brown haired girl, with brown eyes, she was about a head smaller than him.
"This is Caoimhe! She's a little shit 'cause she always plays pranks on me but I still love her" The couple giggled. Caoimhe had long brown hair with greyish-blueish eyes. She was stunning.
"This is Minna!" Tom said, beside him stood a tall girl with Blode hair and blue eyes, she was also beautiful.
"This is Bethany!" Barclay said. A short, ginger girl with green eyes stood beside him. She smiled at us all.
"Well I'm single!" Casey laughed.
"As am I!" Reece said as well and fist bumped Casey.
"Well I have a girlfriend she's called Rachael, but I don't know where she is at the moment..?" As soon as I said that Rachael came rushing towards me and kissed me.
"Oh my god I'm so proud of you congrats baby, you did it!" She kissed me again.
"These must be your band mates!" She hugged them all, including their girlfriends. She was extremely enthusiastic. The boys and their girlfriends started to introduce themselves again when El came along and hugged me.
"And this is my sister El!" I chuckled.
"El, what's it short for?" Nicola asked.
"Elise, but I prefer El." She grinned.


El. What a cute name. For a cute person. What am I saying I only just met the girl. It was my turn to introduce myself.
"My name is C-casey." I stuttered. Fuck I've made such a fool of myself. She was stunning. Brown eyes, Brown hair with Blonde dip dye at the bottom. Stunning. Just stunning.


As Casey finished introducing himself I quickly started.
"Reece, Reece Bibby." I smirked and kissed her hand and as I did that she blushed.
El was stunning. But I could already tell Casey had a crush on her. But I was going to win her over. I knew I could!

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