Chapter 2

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I walked into the room and I felt my palms starting to sweat. I was terrified. What if I failed? What if I didn't get through? My eyes instantly met the judges eyes. I cracked a smile.
"What's your name"
"Charlie Jones"
Everything after that was a blur.
"You got four yes's" I grinned and cheered and ran out to my family and Rachael. I felt like I could do anything. I pulled Rachael away and kissed her.
"Rach, I've liked you for ages, absolutely ages, and fuck I know you like me too. Please please be my girlfriend?"
"Yes!" She squealed and grinned at me. We walked back holding hands and El screamed and fangirled with Rach, she'd liked me since we were 10. It was adorable. I adored her so much. And I'm so glad I finally grew some balls and asked her out.

Rachaels POV

Char pulled me away from his family and my best friend. I was so confused yet so excited at the same time. I've fancied Char since I was 10. Hey this could the the moment he finally asked me out?
As well sped round the corner he gently pushed me up against the wall, and kissed me. It was so passionate, and full of love. Sparks were flying everywhere. And my stomach erupted with butterflies. It was amazing. As our lips left each other's, he asked me to be his girlfriend. Of course I replied yes I've liked him for FOUR YEARS. Finally! I couldn't wait to tell El...
When we returned to Char's family holding hands, El smirked then fangirled with me. I smiled at Char. I had everything I wanted. A perfect boyfriend. a perfect best friend. Everything was going well.

As we headed towards the car Charlie leaned in to kiss me again, I giggled against his lips.
"Charlie give the girl some space!" Julie said, laughing. I looked at El and she looked extremely pissed off. The car journey home was extremely awkward. But I decided to sleep it off. I rested my head on Charlie's shoulder and drifted into a deep sleep.

I woke up to Charlie talking to his parents about some new trainers he's desperate for. He's such a cute loser. They dropped me off at my house at around 12:00am, and I went back to sleep.

When I woke up I had a few missed calls off Char and texts off El.

I texted Charlie;

To Char😍💘

Good morning babe! Wanna come round to mine in a bit😚 Disney and cuddles 😉💘

and I opened my texts from El;

From ElBell👼🏼💋

Hi Rach,
I'm seriously not comfortable with you going out with Char. I'm sorry I feel that way but he's my brother fgs!!! Ilysm and I get it if you still wanna be with him, but I needed to tell you how I felt. Sorry Rachypoo 😔💗

I decided to text her back!

To ElBell👼🏼💋

Babe! I'm so sorry. You know how long I've liked him, so I'm staying with him. I really hope this doesn't affect our friendship in anyway💋💋💘

I changed into daytime clothes ready for Char to come over for our first date!

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