4. Threat (2/2)

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I felt like a doll, the confidence Genya had instilled in me now abandoned outside the doors of the cavernous hall.  I did my best to hold my head up high but my heart was racing and I couldn't seem to find my breath. I met the eyes of several courtesans who leered at me as though I was a circus performer.

Though I cowered and his from the stares, Kirigan seemed to feed off them. His dark eyes practically glowing with pride. It didn't take a genius to know that he was built for this, the attention, the awe, the fear. He played his part and he played it exceptionally well. I felt the heat of his hand on my back and I shuddered at the thought of what he had done, at the thought of what he could do.

"Is this it?" I looked up at the Queen in surprise, for someone who doesn't use super powers to keep herself beautiful I think I look alright and I know that Genya only heightened my natural beauty with her small science.

"I'm afraid that what you see is what you get moi tsarita, if you don't like the way I look you're just going to have to get over it." Her expression was strained as she looked at her husband but he only laughed in return.

"What is your name, girl?"

"My name is Eliza and I am no girl." I stared the king down, hoping my fear was not obvious in my expression. Over the silence I could hear the whispers of the court, their words and silent laughter permeated the air like a thick fog. I felt my breathing turn shallow as the pit in my stomach grew tenfold. But just as I started to give in I felt a hand on my arm, strong and warm.

I turned towards Kirigan, baffled by the support. I soon realized it was all part of the show. He took my palms in his and I felt the light seep from me, casting a warm glow over the throne room and its inhabitants. I stared at my reflection in his eyes and once again noticed the soft look he was giving me.
I quickly averted my gaze and tore my hands from his, but I soon missed the buzzing in my veins that occurred when he touched me.

There was heavy applause as I started to falter. Words were exchanged, though I couldn't tell who said them or what they were talking about. The crowd began to shuffle closer around me and my only instinct was to run. Run from the noise, the lights, and the people. Run from the weight of their expectations and their selfish desires. Run from the new reality that I had only just begun to understand.

I picked up my skirt and began to push through to the exit, dodging conversations and fanatics the whole way. My path suddenly became easier to navigate as the crowd parted like the red sea. I didn't have to look back to know that the darkling was hovering behind me like the shadows he commands. I hurried out of the throne room, through the palace, past the gardens, and into the trees.

I didn't stop until I could no longer breathe and the stitch in my side became too painful to ignore. I collapsed onto the forest floor with a thud, dry heaving until I felt as though I would die. After what felt like hours when I could finally breathe I propped myself up against a tree trunk and wiped the tears from my face. Apparently not eating due to stress was useful in my current situation.

A crack sounded through the trees, as though something was approaching quickly. I stood just quick enough to watch Kirigan burst through the trees, his face was a mask of concern but I would not be swayed by his charms so easily. For every step forward I took a step back, fearing the worst of him.

"Why did you run, little saint? You ought to know I'd catch you sooner or later."

"I can't do this, I won't. I won't be paraded around like cattle in front of a tyrant king and his court of lies!" I snapped at him, though my shaking hands dulled the effect.

"You will do as I say, Eliza, I will not lose this opportunity."

"I am not a child and I will not take orders from you." I watched his expression change into something predatory and he smiled as though I had just brought him his dinner. I turned with the intention of running but I was suddenly surrounded by darkness. I myself stumbled backwards and caught myself on a tree, barely able to adjust before the shadows were replaced by a dagger at my throat.

I looked into the eyes of the man I had wanted to save, unsure if that was even a possibility or if I'd be left bleeding on the forest floor. I felt tears gather in my eyes as he pushed the dagger closer to my skin creating a small cut. A pained whimper escaped my my mouth before I could swallow it and for a split second I thought I saw him falter.

"If you're going to kill me Kirigan, just get it over with."

"That isn't my name."

"Why would I do you the courtesy of saying your name when you're just going to kill me?" He chuckled and pressed closer to my body, his voice dropping an octave.

"It was a threat, Eliza. It accomplished what it needed to." I raised my brow at the darkling and scoffed.

"So you wouldn't end my life?" The deadly smirk on his face persisted and my heart fluttered.

"I didn't say that." He ducked his head and whispered gruffly in my ear as he sheathed the dagger and set his hands upon my hips.

"It's high time you realize that you belong to me, little saint." With that he nudged my face to the side and licked the line of blood beading along the cut on my throat. I gasped and my eyes widened, I could not believe the actions of the man in front of me. One moment he was threatening to kill me and the next his mouth was on me like I was his favorite fruit in the heat of the summer.

"I will never belong to you." The darkling chuckled and nipped at my skin.

"We'll see about that."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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