.07 -- NO CLUE

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The cruiser that hosted the three foster children parked in front of the police station. The kids were led inside by the driving officer and seated in the office with snacks and water. Sofya had calmed down after the paramedics pulled her away from her sister so they could evaluate her, and since, she had been quiet, simply holding onto either Jolie or John B's hand, whoever was closer. They were all quiet as they munched on their crackers, Jolie had busied herself by pulling Sofya's hair back into braids atop her head, and even offered to do the same for John B. when she had finished, but was denied. Instead, the boy rose and asked to use a phone.

JJ was ready to go, having been waiting for days for the call. He sat at the vacant chateau, twirling the keys to the Twinkie around his finger, while his phone maintained a permanent position at his side, always in reach, ready to move. When it rang that time, just as it had every other time, he was quick to answer.

"Bree?" The blonde boy asked, not bothering to look at the Caller ID. Who would call him besides his brunette friend? Pope and Kiara were outside, talking about the logistics of John B's escape plan amongst themselves and away from JJ's uncaring ears.

"Hey, man." John B's voice sounded tired on the other end of the line.

"Is it go time?" JJ asked, perking up from his laid-back spot on the couch.

"Yeah, man, but, hey, listen." John B. said quickly before the other boy could jump out of his seat and rush to the wrong location. Either way, it would take him nearly two hours if he made it in time for the ferry, and if he missed it and had to take the bridge on the other side of the island, it would tack on an extra hour to their trip. "Shit went down over here, we're at the police station."

"You used me as your one call?" JJ inquired, cocking an eyebrow. He was unphased by the idea of John B. being locked up, but was surprised he would call his other hoodlum friend in place of quite literally anyone else.

"No, man!" He snapped on the other line. "I didn't get arrested. I mean, I almost did, but that's not the point! Can you make it here?" John B. sighed, smoothing his hand across his face.

"Yeah, man, I'll be there ASAP." JJ promised, then hung up the phone, leaving John B. with a heavy sigh on the tip of his tongue. As the brunette walked away from the phone and back towards the girls, he met them just in time for an officer to start speaking.

"So, we contacted your case worker. She said that she'll pick you up in the morning." The female office said, looking between each of the kids in front of her.

"Oh, I got someone coming to pick us up." John B. nodded. "Thank you, though."

The officer quirked an eyebrow, unsure of how to reply to the boy's confident response, but decided to nod and ask them if they needed anything. When they denied, she pointed to her desk, then stepped away from them, leaving them alone in the small seating area in the corner of the room.

As time passed and the afternoon turned to evening, Sofya nodded off, her head resting on Jolie's arm, while the two teenagers sat next to each other, silently holding one another's hand. Jolie's leg shook, her foot bouncing up and down, while her head tilted back and leaned against the wall.

"Why don't you rest a little?" John B. whispered to her, giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

"I can't." Jolie replied, turning to look at him. Despite her words, Jolie's droopy eyes told another story. She had purple bags forming under her almond eyes, and with each blink, she squeezed her eyes closed, as if it would make them easier to open.

"You can, you need to." John B. whispered. "I'll wake you up when JJ gets here, nothing's going to happen." He promised. But Jolie insisted on shaking her head.

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