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Kira looks around, looking at the stained glass windows. She started to wonder what her favorite teacher was doing. Mrs. Brooks usually came within the first minutes of mass starting.

Kira was sat down next to her best friend Aria, they were talking for a while until everyone went silent when the altar servers were starting to line up.

That's when Kira hear her best friend's voice behind her. "Kira, she's not coming soon." her friend whispered while Kira turned around "What?.." Kira asked confused "You're looking around for Yoda, she's not coming any time soon." her friend whispered back and turned to face the altar.

Yoda was the codename that Kira created her, and her group of friends that knew her attachment to Mrs. Baker.

Kira felt upset at the fact Aria hated Yoda, they were in the same class together when they had Mrs. Baker as a teacher. Fourth grade was the grade they had Mrs.
Baker together, that year was full of hell and fun times, that's why Kira loved that teacher so much.

But when Kira went into fifth grade Mrs. Baker got promoted to a higher job in the school. Something like an assistant principal. The altar servers and the priest walked down the aisle and that's when Kira spotted Yoda walking into the back of mass. She sat in her usual spot next to Mrs. Ellis.

Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Ellis were like the definition of teacher besties and everyone knew that in Kira's friend group. They always talk about them and how they're always in Mrs. Baker's office almost every time Kira wanted to talk to or even speak to Mrs. Baker about something personal, it was always fucking annoying and when K.J asked about herself.

K.J is another codename but this time for Mrs. Ellis. K.J stood for "Kill Joy." 'cause she always brings the mood down after she walks by. Her whole friend group hated K.J, she was the guidance counselor and everyone should know guidance counselor are never good news.

Kira watched as Yoda sat next to K.J emotionless and she wanted to giggle at how serious they looked. Kira turned to face the altar and was getting bored easily.

As bad as it sounds to be bored in mass, it's what really happens sometimes.


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