Chapter 4

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At breakfast the next morning, Phayu asks Rain about his mama. He doesn’t tell the omega that he had been having bad dreams about her, just asks in the same clinical way that he had asked Rain questions about his past before.

It’s not that he doesn’t feel bad for the omega, he just doesn’t want to trigger him, since he seems happy and bubbly again this morning.

Rain tells him the same things he had told Sky, how his mama had gone out for supplies and not come back. How he had been picked up by a group of betas and taken to the center when he had gone to look for her.

Phayu has decided to find out what happened to the woman for Rain’s sake. He fears the worst, there is probably only one reason for a mother that carefully hid away her omega son for 19 years not to come home from a simple errand. It’s best to find out for sure. If Rain never knows what happened to her then he can never get closure and will always wonder.

That afternoon Phayu calls Saifah to ask him to watch over Rain during his dance classes and to fix his dinner. Obedience classes will be canceled for the day and Rain can have the extra free time. Saifah agrees readily, he has taken a liking to Rain, almost looking at him like a little brother.

Phayu starts out by going to the center. Since he previously worked as a re-trainer for adult omegas, Phayu is well known there and able to get answers when no one else could. They also give him Rain’s scant possessions that he had with him when he was taken in. These include an old picture of a woman in her early twenties. This is probably Rain’s mama when she was younger.

Phayu is able to get the information about the betas that brought Rain in and track them down as well. For the right price they were willing to show him where they picked Rain up and what direction that the omega had been coming from. After that it is easy enough to find the little side road that leads to the cabin.

Phayu won’t have time to search the entire cabin today, but he finds some boxes he decided to take with him. He would have really loved to explore everything. There was something about this little cabin that even now still smells like Rain and the unknown alpha that he finds intriguing.

He discovers a small side room that has obviously been lovingly kept. It takes Phayu a minute to realize that he is looking at Rain’s nest. Trained omegas seldom make nests unless they are bred. Since they are kept on strong heat suppressants there doesn’t seem to be much need for them to nest. He wonders what had motivated Rain to build the nest despite his heat suppressants. Did the area bring him comfort when his mama had gone on supply runs? Phayu picks up a few of the plushies and some clothes that had probably belonged to Rain’s mama to take with him. Maybe having these familiar objects will help Rain when he dreams about his mama.

It is getting late and Phayu is just turning to leave when a glint of silver at one corner of the nest catches his eye. It’s a pendant of a dragon with its tail wrapped around a heart shaped deep pinkish purple stone. The front and back are adorned with silver in the shape of flowers. The chain that it is on is broken. Phayu picks this up as well, feeling it must be important to the omega to be in his nest.

It is late by the time Phayu got home and Rain is already asleep. He seems to be sleeping peacefully tonight so Phayu takes the things he'd taken from the cabin to his office.

He pulls one of the boxes out and starts going through it. There is a title deed in the name of Pear Chuahirun. So now at least Phayu has a name for Rain’s mama. He does a search for the name and comes up with a few articles over the past 20 years, although there is nothing before that oddly. In this technologically advanced age, usually a person’s entire history is available for anyone to search for it. The headline for the most recent article confirms his suspicions. “Woman killed in auto accident identified as Alpha Pear Chuahirun.” The article goes on to mention she was single with no known family. That makes sense, if she were hiding Rain away his birth would have been unregistered.

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