"I'm sorry for behaving badly at the office, you must be really scared. I did it because I want to test you and to know you more."

"You are a very polite and nice man, when I look at you clearly like this, I know why my son chooses you" Ying touches Tee's face softly, Tee leans on the soft touch.

"Please be with him, if he hurt you one day, and you can't forgive him anymore you can leave him but if you can, please stay with him" Tee can't say no anymore, this mother is hoping his son to have a partner and already think he is the one for his son. Tee can't break her heart to tell the truth


"Please, promise mae na? Please?" Tee looks at the hopeful face. Tee is shaking actually, he wipes the tears on Ying's cheek, he can't say no right?

"Khun Tae will decide everything. If he leaves me then I will go" Tee lies because he can't tell the truth.  It hurts to see him destroying a hope this mother has for his son

"Thank you Tee" Ying hugs Tee tightly, she wipes his tears and kisses Tee on the forehead. It makes Tee cry harder, he misses a mom touch so much

"Call me mae, you are my son now" Ying smiles widely and Tee smiles back.

After they are done talking they come back to the house, Tee looks bad because his face is red and has puffy eyes. He was crying.

Tae rushes to Tae's side and pulls Tee into his arms. He thought his mother had hurt Tee with her harsh words making Tee cry.

"Mae, what have you told him?" Tae is frowning and he is angry.

"Khun" Tee stops Tae from being angry.

"Stay the night" orders Ying without explaining about their talk.

"No. I'm sending Tee home. I won't let Tee cry anymore" Tae is ready to take Tee home

"Stay the night! I need to talk to you Tae Darvid. Send Tee to your room to let him rest, you come to talk to me after that" with the strict order no one will dare to defy it but Tae is willing to defy it. Tee stops their steps and nods his head agreeing to spend the night. Tee is really tired actually

"You, go to your room" Ying orders Tan to leave too.

Tae walks Tee to his room, he rarely stays here but he has everything he needs in the room and it's always clean. Tae feels guilty for making Tee stuck at his home.

"I'm sorry Tee. You can change into my clothes in the wardrobe, new toothbrush and towel in the bathroom. Make yourself at home. I will take you home if I can, you should contact your friends first, they must be worried. I'm sorry Tee" Tae feels guilty for involving Tee in his problem. Tee nods his head and smiles softly. He wants to tell Tae about their talk but maybe later, he is really tired right now .

Tae comes down to see his mother. It's already 10 PM and Tae is tired too.

"Mae, let me talk first" Tae stops his mother from saying anything.

"We have no relationship whatsoever. Everything is just a misunderstanding, he was the man I took home but he forgot everything since he was too drunk. We have cleared about that and we continue our life like usual"

"I know" answer Ying.

"Huh? You know? So, Tee already told you everything?"



"I know both of you are not in a relationship" Tae can't follow this conversation anymore, what his mother meant.

"I don't understand mae, what did you talk with Tee and make him cry like that?"

"I didn't bully him! We just talk"

"Explain" Tae sits on the sofa and Ying comes to sit close to Tae.

"I know you like Tee and try to pursue him but he is avoiding you right?" Ask Ying with a wide smile.


"Tae, I'm your mae and I know when my son is happy. I did ask around a little bit and I know, you are in love with Tee"

Tae just laughs, his mother is really something else.

"You asked Phi Phoom and Phi Ray?" Guess Tae


"Mae, it's too early to call love and he has a bad past with love" Tae wants to pursue Tee but at the same time he thinks it will not be easy

"I know. I can see the pain in his eyes, it will be hard for you to court him without any help but don't worry, I made him accept the misunderstanding" Ying smiles widely


"I made him stay with you, I beg him to stay with you as your lover. He doesn't know I already know about the truth but he chose to accept the misunderstanding because he is so kind, he didn't want to hurt me by saying your relationship is just a mere misunderstanding"

Now Tae understand what his mother did, he makes Tee lie in order to force Tee becomes close to Tae. She might sound like a bad person but she did what she can.

"Promise me you won't hurt him, he is too cute!"

"I promise" Tae smiles and hugs his mom, he hopes it is the best right now.

"I want him as my son in law. They way he talk capture my heart. He is a beautiful person"

"But stubborn too" adds Tae.

"I want him as my son, okay?" Ying looks at Tae and  wants Tae to promise her.

"I will do my best to make him fall for me"

"Love will hurt but real love will heal. I want you to heal him, cherish him and makes him believe that real love exist"

Tae knows once he promise to his mom, he needs to keep it. He will do the best to make Tee feels what or how real love works.

Love Hurts, Real Love HealsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora