Prologue Part 1

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A woman with long black hair with a basket in her arms sprints towards a small cave, not far from where her husband was about to be trapped for eternity. The Storm Spire. She looks at the small infant in the basket. The baby has long white hair, light pink eyes, purple-ish grey skin, star markings on her arms, and face, curved horns, and her father's star symbol on her chest. This child name was Naymora. "I'm so sorry that you had to be roped into this, little star. But don't worry. You'll be far from this whole mess... Dissimulato humano." The woman had used an illusion spell to disguise her daughter a human. She now had a tan complexion to her skin, blond hair, and amber eyes.
"I'm going to try and save your father now, darling. I'll probably regret this in the future, but deep, deep, down, there is a part of me that still loves him. Even after what he's done. I will see you again. In this world, or another." The woman took a piece of parchment and wrote "Naymora" on it so that whomever would find her in the future would know her name. She wrapped the opening of the basket in twigs and sticks using Earth magic to cover her daughter. "Aspiro Frigis." She blew ice all over the basket to put her in a cryo-freeze, to preserve her. Elarion ran from the cave and shape-shifted into a Skywing elf. She started to fly up the Spire, knowing two things. She would not be able to save Aaravos, and she wouldn't be making it back. And that her daughter would be safe from her father's mistakes.

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