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Longan and the young hatchlings were eating dinner in the Longan Palace. They all remained silent as they ate. Longan preferred it when it was silent as they ate. Lychee Dragon had trouble cutting their food with a knife, since their small hands were still not used to using cutlery. They struggled with the knife as it kept slipping off the steak and refused to cut into it. As Longan watched, they sighed and put their utensils down.

Longan: Lychee Dragon. Hand your plate over.

Lychee looked at the Longan Dragon, and carefully handed their plate over to them. Longan took the plate and utensils, and began cutting the steak firmly into pieces, until they were small little squares, small enough to fit into a hatchling's mouth. After Longan finished cutting it, they handed the plate back to Lychee, and continued on with eating their own dinner. The Lychee Dragon smiled at Longan, and happily ate their steak piece by piece. Meanwhile, Pitaya flung their entire steak into the air, and breathed fire onto it, completely burning it to ashes. They then swallowed the steak completely and sighed in satisfaction. Ananas Dragon looked at them disgustedly.

Ananas: Ew! You're so gross!

Pitaya: Thanksss!

Ananas gagged. Lotus let out a small chuckle at the stupid antics of the duo. Longan simply ignored what their siblings were doing and continued eating, and Lychee copied what Longan did.

Longan finished their dinner. They were waiting on the other Dragons to finish. Then, one of their servants came flying in. They bowed deeply, into a submissive position.

Longan Palace Servant: My Lord...I have come to tell you of something that might pique your interest.

Longan: Something that will pique my interest enough that I won't turn you into stone for interrupting dinner with my brethren?

The Palace Servant began shaking after hearing that sentence, their eyes widened, and they ran out of breathe. Longan narrowed their eyes at them.

Longan: Go on. Tell me something that will supposedly 'pique my interest.'

The Palace Servant shuddered, and slowly spoke out.

Longan Palace Servant: There is a forest...I supposedly hear it's called the Millennial Forest, by the Cookies, and a few of the Dragons.

Longan: And what would I care for a forest mentioned by mere Cookies and lower-ranking Dragons?

Longan Palace Servant: The forest...Me and the other servants are sensing something powerful within the forest. It's aura is warm, yet strong. And it seems like it could wipe out several packs of Dragons all at once, and perhaps even create another universe itself. It seems to even be on par with your level, or higher, Master...

The Palace Servant remained quiet and waited for their master to respond. They heard nothing but silence for a minute or so. Eventually, Longan spoke.

Longan: Higher than my level? Are you suggesting that there is someone above me? Someone I would be a weakling compared to?

The Palace Servant froze. Shit...They should have worded it differently. They quickly tried to come up with a solution that would spare their life.

Longan Palace Servant: Master, I did not mean it like that! I just meant that it was so powerful, that it felt that way! But of course, I know it could never be stronger than you, Master!

Longan: So you're saying, that it felt stronger than my aura? Shall we test that, and show my aura until it breaks you? Then we'll see if who's power truly feels stronger to you.

Longan Palace Servant: No, Master! Please have mercy! I will never say such stupidities like that ever again! I swear on my life!

The Palace Servant begged on their knees, and bowed their head as low as they could, with tears running down their eyes. True fear was present.


Longan: So tell me...Where is this Millennial Forest at?

The Palace Servant quivered, but slightly sighed in relief.

Longan Palace Servant: It's Ten-thousand, nine-hundred and sixty two miles miles away from here, south.

Longan: ...I see.

The Longan Dragon got up from their seat, and walked past their servant. The servant wiped their tears and stood up. But the second they did, they immediately turned to stone. The hatchlings jumped in surprise and looked at Longan, who had turned their head slightly to look at the servant.

Longan: I have never given you permission to get up, lowlife...In fact, I had told you that I didn't want weaklings around me. Crying is a sign of weakness. Pathetic.

Longan then looked at their siblings.

Longan: Take the statue outside, shatter it, and throw it in the ocean. I will be back. Patiently wait for me, and do not misbehave. And do not follow me.

Longan left the scene, leaving the other young Dragons.

Lotus: Well then, time to shatter another statue.

Ananas: Tch, now we have to get ANOTHER servant!

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