Daily life with the hatchlings

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Longan, and the four little hatchlings they were raising, were flying around. Usually, predators would try and prey in these little hatchlings, but no one dared to come near them since Longan was their guardian. As they were up, Longan spotted a small herd of grey Dragons, feasting on animal remains. Longan turned to the young hatchlings.

Longan: You all see that insignificant little pack of lower-ranked Dragons?

Ananas, Lotus, Pitaya, and Lychee looked down and spotted the herd.

Ananas: Hrrrmph! They're so dirty and have such an ugly color to them!

Lotus: Hm...They're so dense that they don't even notice us. What stupidity.

Pitaya: Or maybe we're jussst so great at being unnoticed!

Ananas snorted and chuckled.

Ananas: With how loud you flap your wings, it would be impossible for a dragon with half a brain not to notice us.

Pitaya: You ssshut up! I didn't asssk for your opinion!

Ananas: And I didn't give you permission to speak.

Longan: I didn't give permission for EITHER of you to speak. Now, silence.

Ananas and Pitaya turned their attention to Longan, but not before hissing and growling at each other.

Lychee: So what is it you want us to do Longan?

Longan: Since you were all raised by me, and prepared, this should be a simple enough task. Go down there, and take down that herd of Dragons.

Pitaya: Yay! I've been waiting for thisss!

Ananas: Hmph, I could easily take them all down by myself.

Lychee: Okay, and then what?

Longan: After defeating them...I want you to slaughter them.

Ananas, Pitaya, and Lychee froze.

Lotus: Slaughter them? A simple enough task.

Ananas: You want me to slaughter them...Like a brute?

Pitaya: I-I like fighting...But I've never tried killing before. I...I don't think I would enjoy that.

Longan: It doesn't matter what you enjoy. You follow my orders. I am doing this, so you all become respected and feared like I am among the other Dragons. That way, I no longer have to protect you like babies. You are all destined to become my heirs and hold onto my legacy. Do not disappoint me.

Lychee: Isn't killing bad...?

Longan: Not when it is us doing it. We are more privileged than the other lower-ranking beings. We get things they do not get, simply because we are better. We are stronger.

Lychee: Oh, I get it! Okay then! Let's kill these bozos!

Lotus and Lychee dove in to defeat the herd of grey Dragons. Ananas and Pitaya stayed where they were nervously, looking down. Eventually, Ananas sighed.

Ananas: I suppose you're right about us being better than them. Which means we can do anything without consequences. .......Fine, whatever! I'm going in!

Ananas dove in with Lotus and Lychee.

Pitaya: ...

Longan: Pitaya Dragon, go in there with our brethren. Or are you looking to disappoint your own reputation? If you dare to go soft, there will be punishment awaiting. Go. Now.

Pitaya looked down for a few more seconds, before pulling their huge and heavy sword out. They didn't look at Longan, and simply remained silent as they went in to fight with the rest of their siblings.

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