An Author's Note

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/// hello my people, I have not abandoned you. I formally apologize for my MONTH LATE POST... uhhh school let out and I lost all my structure.

Also we are reaching a very big problem soon: Season 4. Now I literally cannot WAIT to get to writing it, I have so many ideas. BUT... Unfortunately without a true guide of where the story's going I'm not really sure how much I can change when it comes to canon Season 4.

For example, what if I decided to save eddie, but him being dead ends up being a really important factor in the next season? I don't want to trudge ahead blindly in case I screw up the space-time continuum of this universe i've painstakingly built...

So my friends this leads us to a big question: Do I go on hiatus and wait for Season 5 to come out? And if I did, would any of you read any other Stranger Things based things i've been thinking of writing? I would probably continue to post my normal "outside of the season" bonus content, just at a slower pace for this fic. (really give you guys CRUMBS of content so you don't starve and forget about this series)

Please let me know in the comments: thoughts, concerns, questions, and undying adoration are all welcome!!

Thank you continuously for the amount of love you all have given to this fic
-your_average_dad ///

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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