Chapter 17

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It was far into the day by the time we had gotten everything together. I chopped up two buckets full of meat, while Steve and Dustin swung by the gas station to get all the gasoline we might need.

They pulled back up to our house in Steve's car around 4:00. "Took you guys long enough," I teased as I walked outside to meet them. I had both buckets in my hands.

"It's not our fault!" Steve said with a shrug.

"It's a Saturday, everyone's getting out of town, therefore needing gas," Dustin said, getting out of the car.

Steve walked to the back of his car and opened the trunk. I watched as he pulled out a rusted can full of gasoline, and I set the meat buckets down next to it. "That's about it, right?" I asked, looking from Steve to Dustin. Dustin gave me a shrug.

"Are you really going unarmed?" Steve asked, looking at me concerned. "I feel like one bat with nails in it is not enough for all three of us."

I thought about what I could possibly use. I lost my axe in the Upside Down last year. "I'm not even sure what I would use. The axe we used to have is now stuck in an alternate dimension, so..."

Steve nodded and reached into his trunk again. "Would this work?" He asked, pulling something out. In his hands was an axe, though significantly smaller than my old one. This was a scout axe, only about a foot long, with a blade the size of Steve's palm. Although, Steve had pretty big hands. Pretty, big hands. With veins that traveled up his arm and flexed as he held the scout axe in his hand tightly, trying it out for size.

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts. "Now where did this come from?" I asked, looking at him curiously. This guy never ceased to amaze me.

"My dad made me be a boy scout."

"Some day you'll get arrested for all these weapons in your trunk." I grabbed the axe from his hand, testing its weight within my own.

"My parents are lawyers," he shrugged.

"Dustin? It's Lucas! Do you copy?" Lucas's voice echoed through Dustin's walkie talkie.

Dustin put his hands on his hips as if he were confronting his friend face to face. "Well, well, well. Look who finally showed up," he spoke into his microphone.

"I'm sorry man, my sister turned the receiver off," Lucas explained.

"Yeah well, while you were having sister problems, Dart grew again, he escaped, and we're pretty sure he's a baby demogorgon!"

"Wait. What?"

"I'll explain later. Just meet me, Y/N, and Steve at the old junkyard," Dustin said. I put the axe in my backpack, grabbing one of the meat buckets. Steve did the same with his bat.

"Steve?" Lucas asked in disbelief.

"Tell him to bring weapons," I reminded Dustin.

"Oh yeah," He said, then turned back to his walkie talkie. "Bring your binoculars and wrist rocket!"

"Steve Harrington?" Lucas said again, still hung up on the fact that he was with us.

"Alright," Steve said, closing his trunk, "Let's go."

"Just be there STAT. Over and out," Dustin called one last time before turning off the receiver.

The three of us walked back behind the house again, and kept walking through the red and brown leaves until we made it to the train tracks behind the neighborhood.

"Here," I said, passing my backpack to Dustin. "You carry this and I'll start on the meat trail."

"That sentence alone is enough to make me want to turn around and run in the opposite direction," Steve laughed.

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