"Like who you work for?" Crys suggested.

"I work for an organization." The man replied. "The details of which are impossible to find for anyone who isn't already aware of them."

"And what about a name?"

The man narrowed his eyes slightly and took a moment before responding. "You may refer to me as Seinhou." He said with menace. "And don't you worry, I assure you that there is no record of me."

Crys thought to herself. On the one hand, she finally had a name, on the other hand, it meant nothing and gave her absolutely no help whatsoever. She just kept staring at Seinhou with loathing.

"I might as well be a figment of your imagination. Nobody would believe you, I am quite sure you are aware of that." Seinhou continued.

Crys refrained from giving a slight grin considering how she knew that there was at least one person who would believe her, especially since she had proof. "Oh yeah, and what about that other person you mentioned last time?" Crys asked, feeling a little triumphant.

"As I said before, he is of no concern. He doesn't know I am here, and you don't know who he is. Therefore, he is of no help and of no concern." Seinhow said more flatly than usual.

"So what're you going to do? Just show up in my room every so often and lecture me to death?" Crys said, getting bolder.

Seinhou gave a malicious laugh. "No. You'll see, werewolf. All in due time." He paused for a second. "I would also like to remind you about the other lycanthropes. They got confident as well." He said smoothly. "And I already told you what that led to."

Crys narrowed her eyes again. She hated this man already. This is only the second time she met him, and she despised him.

Seinhou shifted his weight and took a breath. "Well now, werewolf, I really must be going, and remember, don't let the bedbugs bite." He said.

Crys felt another pinch at her neck, and then a wave of sheer exhaustion hit her all at once. She could barely stay awake long enough to try and do anything. She just passed back out, falling right back into her pillow.

As Crys woke up once again, she saw light starting to stream in from the windows. It was Saturday morning. She bolted upright in bed as soon as she realized she was awake. She immediately rushed to grab her phone off the nightstand and held it close. It was still recording. Crys' face lit up with eager anxiety. She quickly stopped the recording and started scrolling through the recording to search for her conversation with Seinhou. It took her nearly an hour of jumping around the recording, but she managed to find exactly what she was looking for. There, in her hands, was genuine proof that Seinou wasn't just a dream. She was elated... for about eleven seconds. Dread took over her completely. Her elated expression slowly faded to sheer terror as her hands began to shake. It sunk in that Seinhou wasn't a dream. He was real, and so were his threats. Crys stayed frozen for about a minute, horrified. Once the fear started to wear off just barely, she clambered out of bed and ran into Brandon's room full force.

"Brandon!" She called out in shock.

Brandon, who was sitting on the couch in his room, jumped from being startled. He was now taking deep breaths with eyes wide open, clutching where his heart was as it practically beat out of his chest.

"Brandon!" Crys repeated as she ran over to her friend. "It's not a dream!" She continued, sounding horrified. "It's real! He's real!"

Brandon was absolutely confused. After being nearly scared to death, he wasn't able to even begin to understand what Crys was talking about. "What?" He asked, baffled.

Imperfect Life: Arc 7Where stories live. Discover now