All In Good Time

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Back at home, I threw my keys to the table and rested my jacket upon the chair. Even though I yawned all the way home, I was surprised when I saw that it was already one in the morning. It hadn't really occurred to me that we had stayed at the Murtaugh home for that long. Time flies when you're having fun I guess; which I did. It was a nice dinner filled laughter, bad cooking, and awkward confessions. Nonetheless, it was a greatly needed good time.

Stripping down to my underwear, I pulled my sleep shirt from beneath my pillow and threw it on before sliding  into bed. On the way home I had thought about Riggs a lot, even though I tried to convince myself otherwise. The word 'beautiful' was burned in my head and rang in my ears. I had no idea why it was bothering me so much. I mean, maybe it's because only a month ago Riggs and I were at each other's throats, ready to pop a cap into each other's asses, barking at each other all day, everyday. Now though, all of a sudden, he's Mr. Romantic. Calling me beautiful? Where in the fuck did that come from? All we did was go to dinner at Rog's! It's not like we were walking the beach barefoot, gazing up at the fucking sunset! No! We. Were. Eating. Dinner. Not even! We were outside going in to have dinner! Don't get me wrong, I'm not upset that he called me beautiful, I'm just... Puzzled. Maybe I'm just in need of an explanation. I don't know. Fuck it. It's just a word... A very descriptive word.

Fuck it, I'll talk to Riggs in the morning... Right now I need some sleep.

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