What happen's later/the next day

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Elizabeth nods and asks, "Wanna watch the show?". "Do you have snacks, drinks, and a blanket?", The smaller asks. Elizabeth answers, "On the coffee table and the blanket is on the couch." The shorter smiles while the taller goes over to the smaller and picks her up. Eli goes and sits on the couch and puts Cadi on her lap. Cadi cuddles into her taller girlfriend and pulls the Haikyuu! Blanket onto the couple. While the smaller is doing this, Eli sets up the show. Once Cadi gets the blanket situated, Ginger and Karma jump onto the couple and get comfortable. Once the smaller realizes that there are 2 cats on her, she points out her discovery to Eli and they both chuckle. "Ready?" Eli asks. This causes Cadi to look up at her and asks, "Did you feed and water your animals?". Eli nods and then the smaller nods that she is ready for the taller to continue the show. So, Eli does. They watch the show and eat their food, drink their drinks, and love the 2 cats. It was definitely a better time for the young couple than cleaning. Once, Cadi almost falls asleep on the taller one. Eli picks up the smaller one, and the cats, and places them on the couch. The taller one does the dishes and puts away some stuff. Then she pauses the T.V. and turns it off. She places the sleeping cats on the recliner next to the couch. Then she pulls the blanket off of her lover and puts it over the two cats. Then she picks up her smaller girlfriend and walks to her room, then lays down with the mini girl. Once the comforter is on the couple, she turns the lights off and the fan on low by the remote on the nightstand. She then cuddles Cadi and kisses her forehead saying, "Goodnight strawberry, I love you, sleep well". Cadi, half awake, responds " night, I love you too". With that, Cadi is out and her girlfriend is soon to follow. The next day was Tuesday, Cadi got up first at 7 and put on a plain black t-shirt, black overalls, her girlfriends D.I.Y. Kuroo hoodie, and a pair of red high-top converse. She had a cup of iced coffee. Then grabbed her bag and went on the bus. She sat next to Noah and Evan, like usual. Noah and Evan live farther from the school than Cadi so they save her a seat next to them (When she wakes up, she texts the bus driver where he needs to pick her up from). Normal greeting goes, then Noah asks, "Hey Cadi, did my sister make that hoodie and is she picking us up again?". Cadi responds, "Yes and yes, I'll text her during lunch to remind her to pick us up." The male couple looks at each other and smirks. The ride to school and school in general was boring after that. Elizabeth's day starts at 10. She gets dressed into a long plain black dress and black converse. She brushes her hair and separates it into half up and half down. She ties the half down part with a hair tie and lets the half up part down. She creates a space bun look and releases the half down part. Then she grabs some papers and Braley's hoodie, gives forehead kisses to her animals, leaves and locks her apartment door, and goes to her car. She then drives to her office. Once she gets there, she unlocks her office and is greeted by her best friend, Esther, and coffee and a box of doughnuts. They exchange greetings and have a conversation until 10:50 where Eli explains that Esther has to leave so she can set up for her first patient. Once Esther leaves, Eli puts the rest of the doughnuts in the back room with Braley's hoodie, cleans her desk, places her first patient's file and notebook on her desk with her coffee. After it's finished, it hit's 11 and her first patient shows up. She had 6 appointments, all 30 minutes long back to back. Once it hit 2, she finished her coffee. Then Braley walked in and got her hoodie. Then Eli had a doughnut and took the rest (which was 8) and a bag. She put 2 doughnuts in the bag and put them on the box. She then walked out and closed and locked her office. She got in the car, placed the doughnuts in the passenger seat and went to the gas station. She got 3 coffees and 8 monsters and 6 Mountain Dews and put them in the trunk. Then she went to her girlfriends high school. Once she got there, she put the doughnuts on the center console. She then got out of the car, popped the trunk and got 2 Monsters and 2 Mountain Dews. She then got back in the car. She placed the Monsters in the center console's cup holders and kept the Mountain Dews in her lap.

(843 words excluding these)

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