Part 1 of telling the parents (getting ready)

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When Cadence came out of the bathroom, Elizabeth was sitting on the couch scrolling on her phone when she looked up to her and asked "You like the hoodie?" "Love" said Cadence "Keep it then" Elizabeth said getting up and kissing her cheek "HUH?" said Cadence with a confused and flustered tone. Elizabeth chuckled and got the ice cream and a spoon then went back to the couch "You heard me" Elizabeth said picking her girlfriend up and went to the fridge then went back to the couch and sat down with her girlfriend in her lap. Cadence hid in Elizabeth's chest. "Hey baby?" Cadence asked "Yes love" "You think you're ready?" " Yea, I think I am." "Can we go to your house first?" "... Ya" '' Something wrong baby?" Cadence said, turning her head to her girlfriend who was shoveling scoops of Ice Cream in her mouth then she said "No you aren't" " You haven't let me answer and I'm just stressed and terrified. Almost all my family is homophobic..." Elizabeth answered a few minutes later. " I understand that you're scared, just remember that you'll not go through anything alone again. Happiness, sadness, anger, scared, or hate. I'll be here no matter what." Cadence said, hugging her scared lover. Elizabeth started crying into her shoulder. The animals went next to their sad owner which cheered her up a bit. They all stayed there for a bit. "Thanks love, I needed this. Thanks for being here. Sorry for ruining the date." Elizabeth said, whipping tears from her face. "You didn't ruin anything. No matter when or where, you are always allowed to express your feelings." Cadence responded "Thanks love" Elizabeth said, tightly hugging her lover "Anytime baby" Cadence responded. Elizabeth then got up, picked Cadence up (Who knew not to protest), walked to her bedroom, placed Cadence down, and crawled into her chest. Then she asked "Cuddles?" "You want smol, I take it?" Cadence asked. Elizabeth only nodded and wrapped her arms around her tinner girlfriend. "You gonna go to bed or you want me to turn on a show?" Cadence asked. She didn't get a reply because Elizabeth fell asleep. "Wow, you were tired, well ok then" Cadence said then who eventually fell asleep. The next morning, or should I say afternoon, because they both didn't get up till after 1 pm and that was Cadence.  After getting in the car and driving to Starbucks for a cake pop, Venti Caramel Frappuccino, for her sleeping girlfriend, a Venti Matcha Frappuccino  for her, and for Chuck, Shadow, and Stitch, 3 pupachinos. (Both of their parents' dogs) Then she woke her sleeping girlfriend, who was not happy until she figured out that her girlfriend got her coffee. To that, she took her wallet out and put a twenty on the table. Cadence protested, but then Elizabeth kissed her and told her to keep it. She did and shut up. "Ready to get dressed?" Cadence asked her sleepy girlfriend. " Did you call your parents and tell them that I'm coming with you? I called mine already." Elizabeth asked. "You know that they won't mind. Even if they didn't like you, I told them when I was on the way to get coffee." Cadence said. Then a tired Elizabeth responded while walking to get changed. " Ok, thank you love."

( Elizabeth's fit : a knee length orange dress, black jean jacket, and black heels)

( Cadence's fit : a knee length green dress, a white fleese,  and white heels)

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