Aftermath ig

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Who was still balling her eyes out. Cadence got in the car and drove to Elizabeth's favorite place, her apartment. Still bawling her eyes out laied over on her gf's lap then finally said something in the faintest voice ever " I knew it. I mother fucking knew it. Can you call my brother and tell him not to go there? He's gay and I can't stand the thought of that happening to him." "Once we get settled in, I will do it straight away." Said Cadence, who has now turned off the car, picked her quivering/crying girlfriend up, unlocked their "home", and set Elizabeth down on the couch. When suddenly her phone rang, she picked it up and answered it. "Hey! How'd it go" Her brother, Noah, had called. She knew who it was by the voice. " Don't go back there... Please?" She said in response. Then the phone got quiet. "What happened, Eli?" " I just got the worst ridiculing in my life, faked out, and am still crying from them" "I'm gonna fucking ruin them" "Don't, Cadi already did and threatened to call the cops" "Holy shit, they must have went all out huh? Cadence normally doesn't freak out" "Nope, she'll probably tell you the details once she's back on the couch" "Right here love!" Cadence then interludes. Noah and Cadence have known eachother forever. Hell, he was the one that introduced the two of them. The Phipps and Kennedy's used to be neighbors before the Phipps moved. Their parents would always say that they liked each other and were dating but in reality, Noah knew he was gay once he around 4. Noah is 16 and the second oldest, right after Elizabeth. They had 6 more siblings, so 8 in total. Elizabeth, Noah, Diane at 14, Benjamin at 12, Isabella at 10, Lilliana at 8, Liam also at 8, and Anna at 6 was the sibling lineup. While for Cadence, it was just her. None of the siblings witnessed the tragedy nor heard it. Hell, they had no clue about it. Only Noah knew, out of the siblings, and he was more than pissed, not only because of that tragic event that happened to his favorite person in his family, he would have to go back there because he was only 16. He had a boyfriend named Evan, Evan Brickey to be exact. Noah told Elizabeth that he would call her back in a minute. Then Cadence went to lay on the couch with her very sad girlfriend. Whom was grateful for her comfort, she showed this by snuggling into her smaller girlfriends chest. Then after around 10 minutes, Noah called his sister back, who answered quickly. "Hey sis, sorry that took so long. I'm staying at Evan's for a while due to the fact that I don't think I can see them for a VERY long while. I've already told Carrie and she said ok. She doesn't like me anyways. Hell, neither of them due for that fact. I've called Ev and asked if I could stay with him and his dad for a while, he called me back and said that he and his dad were chill with it. That's where I'll be if you need to see me." Noah said. "Hey bro, that's completely ok and I will probably stop by soon, just to make sure they are treating you ok and to meet his dad." Elizabeth said a little shakily." "That's completely ok and I hope that you're going to be ok!" Noah responded. "I gtg so I'll talk to you later, Bye Bro!" "Bye bye!" With that, Elizabeth hung up. Noah clung to Elizabeth because she was his parental figure due to the fact their parents basically hated Noah and Elizabeth and abused the both of them. Their parents acted the opposite when other people were around. Elizabeth graduated before Noah and went to everything and signed everything in their parents name because they refused to do it. Cadence's parents acted like Elizabeth's parents for those functions for her and went to all of her games, and they took Cadence along every time and for Nouh when Elizabeth was too young. So, it was no surprise that Elizabeth wanted to meet her brother's boyfriend's father. Elizabeth had already met Evan, actually, she introduced the two. Her best friend, Esther, had a brother and thought that the two would get along. They did, a lot actually.So well that when Elizabeth had to take Noah back home, she told him in the car to tell her when they started dating. Of course, Elizabeth already knew that Noah was gay because he told her first and only told her only. Oh, btw, Elizabeth is very protective of the people she loves. Once, Noah was getting bullied for being gay once. This was when Elizabeth was a senior and Noah was an eighth grader. They were in the same building and after school, Elizabeth was waiting in the hall because she took all of her siblings home then went to practice. Everyone was in the car besides Noah, so Elizabeth told her siblings that Diane was in charge and that she'd be back with Noah and that no one was to leave the vehicle. Nobody left the vehicle. With that, Elizabeth went to find her brother. She did. In an empty classroom, with 10 kids beating him. All ten are in the hospital with Commas. I'll let you imagine what happened to them. Elizabeth helped her brother,a little scared of her, and bandaged him, and skipped practice the next week. Basically got kicked of the team She ave no fucks and actually flipped off the coach and yelled, " YOU"D DUE IT TOO IF YOU WERE WORRYING ABOUT YOU FAVORITE PERSON'S HEALTH BECAUSE HE MIGHT DIE ANY MINUTE FROM BULLYING YOU STUPID MOTHER FUCKING CARELESS ASSHOLE!!" The coach tried to get her back on the team but she refused. It even got to the point where she wouldn't even go to school for a few month's because of how bad Noah's condition was. That was 4 years ago. Elizabeth graduated at the age of 15 because she got moved up so many times. Elizabeth has already finished college and has a job. Noah was twelve when the accident happened and has multiple scars from it and still flinches when somebody acts like they're going to hit him. Hell, this is a common thing for all the kids. Yk, with the abuse and shit. N e gays, let's get back to the ship. Elizabeth suddenly asked Cadence, "You want to go to your parents now? I'm not gonna cry anymore." You sure baby?" Cadence asked, not believing her cute gf. Elizabeth sighed then answered " Ya, I'm sure." "Ok, then I'm ready once you are." Cadence said, ready to get up. "Oki" Elizabeth unleashed herself from her gf with ease. "God damn, that's fucking hot." Cadence said in response, getting up. "SHUT UP!!" Elizabeth said angrily fixing her hair and make-up. Cadence lightly smiles, putting her and her angry gf's shoes on. "Thanks, I guess," Elizabeth said, heading out the door and locking it. " You wanna drive, and anytime" Cadence asked, taking the keys out of her back pocket then throwing them up. Elizabeth caught them as a response. Then when Elizabeth got in and started the car she turned and grabbed her gf's hand and kissed her cheek. Cadence couldn't stop blushing the whole 35 minute trip because Elizabeth didn't let go. She knew her way there because most of the time, she picked her up and dropped her off. Almost nobody is allowed to drive her car and absolutely nobody can drive her car when she's not with them. The only people that could drive her car with her in there were Noah and Cadence. That's it. They wouldn't find your body if you drove her car. Especially with her not there. They almost never used Cadence's car, mostly because Elizabeth's car was her prized position next to her degree and her pets. 

(1351 words excluding these)

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