maddies cheese savouries

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that morning reuben woke up horny because he knew he would go to maddies house today. after some quick self care he did a hop skip and a jump to maddies house. they all got there and stared to watch fear street part 2. they didn't get very far into it as reuben strategically dropped his phone down maddies bed. this would make her pay attention to him. the group made the collective decision to let kris go diving behind her bed to look for his phone. but reuben didn't care about his phone as maddie was looking at him like he was her entire world (she didn't -she just wanted reuben to get his phone back) maddie jokingly kicked kris's arse and he moaned thinking it was darcey (darcey would later get punished for not kicking kris in his arse 🥵🥵🥵).  reuben was so jealous at kris and wanted to run him over and burn him (like nadia). eventually kris emerged from the bed with reuben's phone with his icon wallpaper turning on as tabby messaged him. he would see to his little kitten later but for now he was all maddie. then they all got on the bed together and had an orgy (kidding - darcey can't remember what they were doing) reuben wishes it was an orgy tho.  and suddenly isaac knocked over maddie's cheese savouries so then everyone stared crying. maddie quckily snatched them up and poured them in the hole in reuben's chest. isaac got a bit horny and ate them from reuben's chest (kidding -reuben ate them) soon after kris and isaac left so it was just him maddie and darcey (his dream threesome) and him and maddie started ply fighting and one thing led to another and maddie started straddling him. darcey needed to leave so he could live out his sexual fantasies. then he remembered that maddie was gay and pushed her off of him. he then excused himself and left moodily. he listened to slipknot on the way home and felt as if he were emo and nobody understands him.
by the way this whole thing is a massive joke and not suitable for younger readers - i'm also so sorry to the people who this is about, i've probably traumatised you

My Tabby Wabbie - a fic of 2 people i know irlWhere stories live. Discover now