"her entire personality is rollercoasters like me too!!"

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it was a long day for reuben. he had just come back from a scotland trip where he had solidified relationships with his bestie boops - kris, isaac and darcey. he had fallen in love, with the most gorg girl everrrr - maddie.  there was a BIG problem tho. she was kinda gay. he had no problem with the gays (he wasnt nadia) but he was so in love with maddie from the moment she kissed him in that horrific game of spin the bottle. (darcey was still traumatised from when reuben had bit her tongue). but now as he lay in bed all he could think of was going back there.
then suddenly he heard his phone DINGGGG. he checked his phone and another member of the rollercoaster community had dm'd him in insta. she was called tabby and she was at least an 8/10 (darcey thought she was a 2/10 but her and reuben had very different tastes in women - but darceys taste was so much better (and she was attracted to men who looked liked rats)). tabby had said "hey reubey boobie you are such a fitty"
reuben replied "hey tabby wabbie i think your fit too, where are you from," even though he was completely in love with maddie it was never gonna happen - even if he dreamt of them together and married on a rollercoaster - so it was best to explore his options. tabby replied "i'm from essex" fuck that was at the other side of the country - it doesn't matter tho - that can share a bed when they go to legoland together. even if they haven't spoken about it, he had already pictured them getting married at a slipknot concert.

My Tabby Wabbie - a fic of 2 people i know irlWhere stories live. Discover now