It Works?!

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"...I can't believe he'd do such a-" You stop dead in your tracks, as you realise you're now talking to a stranger and not Lucy. Wait. Did that mean the swap worked? Did Lucy swap okay?
"I know, its unbelievable!" The stranger replies, stopping just ahead of you. You begin to panic; You had become this woman and had no idea what to say or do next, and Lucy could still be in her body. You try to think of something to say, but you only manage to say "Erm.."
"Hahaha! You should've seen the look on your face!" The stranger laughs. "Don't worry Isaac, it's me in this body. Just thought I'd give you a mini heart attack to start our adventure."
"You idiot, thought I was alone in this!" you smiled. "Hey, this body's quite nice. Oh, and the bracelets follow us! Thank god."
"Okay then, enough ogling your own body." Lucy interrupts your gazing. "Let's run for ages without getting tired, hehe."
"Seriously? We're in some really cute women who are old enough to drink and you want to run around?" 
"Alright then, we'll run back to my house. The life swap thingy is telling me there should be some drinks in her house."
"That's quite cool actually. Come on then Emma, let's go." you subconsciously announce.
"Whoaaaa... Emma?" Lucy replies. "Abi, are our brains changing with these bodies?"
"Abi?!" you couldn't believe you'd just been called Abi. "Right, I'm resetting my swap. We've gone straight in the deep end and we shouldn't have." You quickly fiddle with the bracelet and end up back in your own body. Next to you, Lucy's body looks around confused and checks her arms. "That's better." She says. 
"Okay then, let's not do something like that again." you tell her. "Let's just do something simple with people we know, like, erm..."
"Let's change our family position!" Lucy shouts out.
"Erm, what?" you ask in disbelief.
"We could swap with one of our parents, and see what 'owning' a family is like! We could even swap personalities so its more authentic!"
"Would we know if we need to swap personalities back?"
"I don't know, we could try swapping our personalities to see if there's something in our brains which tells us." As soon as you say this, Lucy swaps your and her personality. "Wow, your outfit looks great! Can I swap our clothes?"
"Sure." said Lucy, unknowingly, reaching for her bracelet. "If you want to."
"Wait, nonono. Don't. It's your personality." you quickly stop her. "So there is something in our brains. Right, let's swap with your parents. I'll get your dad?"
"Sounds good." Lucy replies, as you both run downstairs, use your bracelets, and become the parent's of Lucy's family.

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