4 - A New Light

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The following morning San wakes up to his alarm.

As his eyes flutter to adjust to the light coming in from the window, he curses the moment he decided that putting an alarm so early in the morning was a good idea.

He knows he won't be able to study today, so he just turns the alarm off and snuggles back into his comforter, eyelids closing again.

But before he can fall back asleep, he remembers the previous night.

Wooyoung's voice.

He sounded so soft and understanding, so close yet so far that makes San want to cry.

By now, he's sure he'll need a miracle to forget his love for the younger.

- I miss you, Woo... - He mumbles in the pillow before falling back asleep, lulled by the heat of his bed.

Not even a hour and a half later, and somebody rings his doorbell.

San curses under his breath, rubbing his face and stretching his limbs to wake up. He debates on whether the person on the other side of the door is so important to take away sleep from him, but the person's insistence on ringing the doorbell forces him to stand up and waddle tiredly to the door.

And once he opens it he can't help but let his mouth fall ajar, because Wooyoung's standing there, smiling wide and giggling at San's tired form.

- Sannie! - He throws himself in the older's arms, laughing at the lack of reaction from him.

- W-Woo?! - San has to take a step back and gulp, because he swears he's hallucinating. - What... what are you doing here? - He whispers.

- Couldn't leave you alone after last night's call. - Wooyoung smiles bitterly at that, and San is ready to dig his own grave.

Wooyoung cares about him, and it's too much for him not to make his heart ache.

- You shouldn't have come all the way here... - San mumbles, lips turning into a cute pout.

- I can't leave you alone... - Wooyoung takes another step towards his best friend, attempting to hug him again. This time, San gladly accepts Wooyoung's arms around him, even hugging back.

It's terribly familiar, so familiar to the point where San almost bursts out crying.

God, he had missed Wooyoung's hugs.

They part after a little, the younger finally taking in San's appearance. He can't help but laugh and tease him.

- You're still dressed for work? - He giggles, and San shoves his shoulder, eyes rolling and lips huffing.

- I was too tired to change. - He replies almost in a whisper because he's ashamed.

His appearance is utter shit, he knows, and his room isn't much better. There's dirty clothes everywhere and piles of open snacks stacked on each other. He probably hasn't vacuumed the floor in a long while, and the dishes haven't cleaned themselves as he had been hoping for ages.

- It's okay, do you want to shower? - Wooyoung asks. - I can make some breakfast while you relax a bit, what do you say? - He offers, and San wants to cry.

Wooyoung's too sweet with him, too caring.

San just smiles and lets Wooyoung in, the younger sitting at the edge of the bed.

- I won't be long. - San promises while rummaging inside his closet to find some cozy clothes to change in after showering.

Wooyoung replies by shaking his head with a smile.

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