30. Cutting Ties

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"She is MY daughter, cracker."

"I mean, yeah. But she's also my wife. She's MY family now. And I got her. Remember that," I smirk.

"Let her tell me that then," Suge Knight scoffs angrily, putting off his cigar.

And I smirk again, feeling a sort of karma sense.

"Aight then," I mutter, opening the car door.

"Yo, Aisha, come here a second, babe!"


Aisha's P.O.V

Slowly making my way out of Marshall's Escalade, I make my way to where my husband and my dad are both sitting in father's rented car.

Marshall rolls down the passenger side widow, bis blue eyes having this like sort of emotionless look in them.

"Baby girl, tell your daddy, once and for all, how you actually feel," he encourages me, just as my father cuts him off.

"Aisha, I need to speak to you for a minute alone, Princess," he states sadly.

An intense feeling of confusion instantly steering in me, I look over at Marshall who simply shrugs.

"It's up to you, Aisha," he gets up from the car and quickly walks up to me.

"Imma be close by," he kisses my lips gently and then walks away.

I sigh and get inside the car with my father.

"Before you could even say anything, there's not a thing that could like erase the fact that you had forced me to abort mine and Marshall's first child " I tell my dad. "And now that I remember that, I just... I simply can't, daddy..."

"Princess, I only did that because I had wanted what was best for you. And at the time, I had thought that having that white man's child would ruin you, Aisha. And I simply couldn't allow for that to happen. But looking back at it now, I do regret it so much, girl," he tells me.

I wipe a stray tear away from my face.

"Honestly, dad? I don't even give a damn shit anymore," I whisper. "I no longer care how much you regret about anything you've done in the past anymore, because it seems to me like no matter how much you say you regret it, you just keep doing the same thing over and over again. Like... you just can't seem to stop yourself from tearing Marshall and I apart, and I know that this time it was me that had called you, but like... you were so quick to take full advantage of it!.."

"Aisha, I'm not actually your father," Suge Knight then let's out, causing my eyes to widen as my whole world gets turned on it's head.

"I... You... What, daddy?!" I let out.

Seeing him slowly inhale as he then exhales, toying with an unlit Cuban cigar in his hand.

"I am not your biological dad, Aisha," he reiterates. "And I always knew that shit too."

"But, how..."

"I mean, your mother was a whore, Princess. And I always knew that. I had used to love that woman with my whole heart, but I always knew who she was. So, even though I had fallen in love with you from the first moment I saw you, I still had to know for sure, and I had a DNA test run on you back when you were just a baby, so I instantly knew the truth. You were never mine. But it didn't matter however, because I still had raised you like you was. Because I had loved you like my own, and I still do. And I always will. I will do anything for you."

I back away from him unconsciously as my whole body begins to shake.

"W...who is my real father then?!"

"Truthfully, Princess? We probably would never even know, cause your mother was always all over the place. I've always loved you, though. Just like you was my own."

"And why... why are you telling me this now?!"

"Because I didn't want to lie to you anymore."

"God, I need to go!!" I whisper, feeling way too overwhelmed.

I practically jump out of the car then, and I expect for him to try and stop me, but my father just continues to stay where he's at, while I run straight into my husband's arms.

Marshall embraces me, not even knowing about what's just went down between my father and I.

And I don't think I would ever tell him about it neither.

Because that there, it's something that needs to stay between Suge Knight and I, as I finally cut my ties forever with him.

"What's wrong, baby girl, you okay?" Marshall asks me wrapping his arms around me protectively, no doubt ice grilling the hell out of my daddy over the top of my head as he kisses me.

"I... I'm okay, boy. I don't really want to talk about it, just please hold me, okay?" I whisper. "And let's go away again. I want to go back to Brazil or something. I remember we had gone there before..."

Remember Me (Sequel To Tragic Endings)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant