𝖎𝖛. falling into place

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Archie was a frequent guest to professor Flitwick's office, but this would be the first time she was ever there for an actual reason other than just wasting time in between lessons.

She was sitting in the chair opposite to his desk, while the short man climbed up his own chair. Apparently, the professor's family was distantly related to goblins, which was why he was so much shorter than the rest. Archie had the feeling that, had he not been an excellent and well-known duellist back in the day, he wouldn't have been treated with the same respect from the wizarding world. The wizarding world wasn't much different to the muggle world, not really. Especially when it came to the treatment of people they believed were different. It was one of the first things she had noticed once she was able to make the comparison in her mind.

She felt quite nervous to be opposite him at that moment. As the Head of Ravenclaw, Flitwick was the first person to find out about what Archie had done-both slapping Avery and storming off detention and not going back. She wondered if she had disappointed him as much as she had disappointed her brother, which by extent, meant she had disappointed her mother as well. But her mother wasn't there, was she? (She was never there.)

Flitwick's expression softened slightly when he realized how nervous she was feeling. "It was quite unexpected to hear what you've been up to lately, Miss Snape," he said, pushing a small plate of candy that he kept on his desk towards her. Archie was about to try a sweet, but then she remembered what her mother had told her; to cut off chocolate, since it only made her acne worse. She pulled her hand back instantly. Flitwick noticed that, but didn't say anything. "Would you like to talk about what happened?"

"There's not much to say," Archie says. "I know leaving detention was wrong of me, but if I stayed there, it would only get worse so-"

"Why?" Flitwick cut her off. "If I remember correctly, you were having detention with some Gryffindors. Potter and his, uh... usual company," he said. "Did they say something to you?"

Archie didn't feel like explaining the whole situation to Flitwick. She barely understood how things escalated that quickly herself and she was in no mood to talk about feeling helpless while trying to constantly defend her brother. "No," she lied. "No, I just... I just don't get along with them. That's all."

He raised an eyebrow while popping a mint-coloured candy to his mouth. "I can't imagine why anyone would have an issue with you," Flitwick said, his tone still overall friendly. It was like he refused to even consider the possibility that, whatever happened, could have possibly been her fault. It felt incredibly comforting to have someone on her side.

"I don't mind that they don't like me," Archie said. "I don't like them either. They're really, really annoying-especially Potter and Black."

Flitwick looked like he was suppressing a chuckle as he nodded. "Ah, yes. The two of them make quite the pair."

"You can just call them annoying, professor," Archie chuckled softly. "I won't tell anyone."

"That would be very unprofessional of me," the man said, though clearly amused. "But yes... I can see why they could, uh... rub someone the wrong way." As if he suddenly remembered why Archie was there in the first place, he shook his head and turned a little more serious. "Still, that doesn't excuse the fact you got up and left detention, miss Snape. Detention isn't something you can just decide you're done with."

Archie nodded, lowering her head in an attempt to look as pitiful as possible. Maybe she would be able to leave the office without getting second detention, if she played her cards right. After all, this was the first time in five years that she got in any kind of trouble. A second round of detention would just mean she'd have to face the Marauders again; just the thought was enough to convince her that maybe she should fake cry to get the man to feel bad for her.

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