Missing eachother

Start from the beginning

I went to see my father, who was seated in his chair, deep in thought.

"Dad, how is your health?" I inquired.

"Child, I need to talk about something"

"These days, my health isn't great, I wanted you to marry my friend's daughter, who is also my business partner; it would benefit both of us. I've arranged your wedding for the following week."

"Okay, dada, I understand," I said as I walked out of the room.

No, no, do something you love, Pai, and may I contact him? I don't want to hurt anyone, especially Pai, and my father wants me to marry someone else; I've never said no to him before, but why should I marry her if I don't love her?
I gave it a lot of thinking and decided to leave, my parents' house, because Pai is my love, and I don't want to marry someone else, he doesn't have anybody except me, and he will do something wrong, and I don't want to lose him, so I decided to leave.
I packed my bags and prepared to go when I was stopped by my parents.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm sorry, Father, but I can't do it; I can't marry someone else."


"I adore someone; he is a wonderful person."

"He? Boy? "Are you dating a boy?" He stated and had a heart attack.

"What happened, Dad, Dad, Dad?" Sorry, I don't love anyone, I lied, sorry, I will do whatever you want."

My mother was furious and scolded me for telling me about pai, she breaks my phone.

You just think about love, love, love, but what about your father? Look at his condition, he was almost dead, I told you before to forget him, now you never contact him, you don't even leave this house, now go to your room, tomorrow you will go to meet your fiance, she is very nice.

"Mom, please don't do this"

Pai's pov

I called him several times, but he never answered, possibly due to a weak network connection. But there's something wrong, I have a feeling he's not in good condition and he needs me. I'll contact him tomorrow morning; perhaps he's slipping already.
end of the pov

I decided to contact him in the morning using a friend's phone since I needed pai and couldn't sleep. I despise my parents because they don't love me. My father wants me to marry someone I've never met, and my mother smashes my phone and tells me to forget about pai. If they loved me even a little, they would understand my love.
Pov end


"Mom I'm going to meet my friend," I told her.

you can't go out, she replied.

but mom I want to travel, to my hometown.

I know you will contact him, or maybe you run away.

Mom believe me I only want to travel and meet my friends.

go and ready for your date, she said.


"I informed you about this, don't you remember?" she asked.

okay Mom I have been going, I told her and went up to my room.

I still have another chance, when I will went to meet that girl I will call him. I went to the washroom and had a bath after I leaves the house, but unfortunately, my dad's bodyguard is following me. yes, my dad is very rich, I don't know what he is doing exactly, but when I was in secondary school people used to tell me that he is a mafia, that's why they never talked and never had many friends. I'm very scared that my father will do something wrong with Pai. why you told him, about him? no, no, before he will do something big I have to inform about this to Pai.


Pai, where have you gone? Why don't you answer your phone? I don't even know where you live; how will I find you? I went to the university office to find Sky's home address. Finally, I had his address and resolved to see him there. I'm not sure if he's okay or not, but why isn't he replying to my call? Maybe he was preoccupied with his family, so why do I have unpleasant feelings? Finally, I decided to go.


I was waiting for her, but she is very late. so, I decided to leave but suddenly I had an idea to call Pai. I went to the washroom and asked someone to call. I dialed his number, and this time my luck was very good he picked up.

"hello pai, please help me my parents want me to marry someone else forcibly, next week is our engagement. my mom broke my phone, that's why I called you late I'm in the restaurant washroom. I will meet that girl today."

"Hello, the sky finally I heard your voice, you know I was dying at night to hear your voice, I had felt that something is wrong so, I decided to visit your home town. I'm on the way. don't worry I will come."

"I will meet you at night at XYZ place my parents are very strict, especially my dad's bodyguards are following me, now I need to go, they will doubt me."

"I will come there to meet you."


I traveled to a location where we would meet, a bodyguard approached me, he instructed me to return home since she had canceled her plans.


"Mom, please let me go, I think she also doesn't want to marry, she canceled her plan."

"She must be busy," my mom told me.

But mom.....

No, go to your room I don't want any excuse.

I was resting in my bed, waiting for everyone to go to bed. They finally fell asleep after many hours. I went to XYZ restaurant, and the pai was sitting on a chair, looking tense, and I went close to him and hugged him from back, he was astonished, he was sobbing, yeah. I was thinking about him since I always hurt him. I know it's not my aim, but he's always been hurt by me. he's always hurt because of me.

Pai, I missed you

Words - 1578


Aah, aa you like it?

It's too soft a sky...

Can I increase my speed.....

He said and started going up and down.

I stopped him. "I think we should stop  because everyone will wake up after hearing our wild session.

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