Kate Walsh x reader

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Series: greys anatomy
Prompt: you find out about Addison's affair with mark Sloan.

Your addisons sister and you work with Derek in neurosurgery. Addisons the obgyn and the wife of Derek.

You're in the middle of surgery with Derek. "Y/n?" He says. "yeah?" You say. You and Derek are very close since your his wife's sister. "Spoken to Addison recently?" He asks. "before surgery why?" You ask. "she's been acting weird with me for a couple of days, I was wondering if she said anything to you?" He asks.

"I mean she does seem different but I think she's just busy" you say and Derek nods. "Want me to speak to her?" "I'll talk to her later" Derek says.

"We got a bleeder!" You say and you and Derek instantly stop it.

After the surgery your talking to Arizona, your best friend. "How's everything with Callie?" You ask. "Great actually! I really love her, oh you also have to help me move my stuff into hers" Arizona says. "hang on a minute I didn't sign up to that" you say. "your my bestfriend, so you technically did" Arizona says and you roll your eyes. "oh don't do that you love me!" She says and you both laugh. Addison comes up to you and she seems panicked. "y/n I need to speak to you" she says. "Woah Addie calm down what's up" you say. "I need to speak to you?" She says. "Zona I'll see you later okay?" You say. "That's okay y/n" she says and you get dragged away by addison into an on call room.

"Addison what's wrong!" You say. "I did something bad y/n, really bad" she says. "what did you do?" You ask. "I slept with mark" she says and your shocked. She sits on the bed and puts her head in her heads.

"Addie! Are you out of your mind?!" You whisper shout. "I know y/n! I feel terrible and I know I have to tell Derek but I love him so much!" Addie says and starts crying.

You sit down next to her and rub her back. "He's gonna hate me!" Addison says and you calm her down. "You need to calm down okay? Yes what you did was wrong but I'm here for you, your my sister and I'm gonna help you get through this, wipe your tears and we need to get back out there and do our jobs okay?" You say and Addison nods. She wipes her eyes and you both stand up. You hug her and then you both come out the room.

"Any surgeries for the afternoon?" You ask and she shakes her head. "I just done an C-section, how about you?" Addison asks. "Brain tumor...with your husband" you say and Addie sighs. "I'm coming round yours tonight" she says. "I might have plans!" You say. "Oh yeah what plans?" "I might have a date!" You say and Addie looks at you. "I'll inform your husband" you say and roll your eyes. "Love you!" She says as you walk off. "Hate you!" You say and you go to the cafeteria and meet up with Arizona, Callie and mark. This is your friend group. You also hang out with teddy alot aswell.

The whole time you were all talking you were giving your best devil eyes to mark. Arizona and Callie were being all lovey dovey and mark is now giving you devil eyes. "What's with the eyes to eachother guys your not five" Callie says. "Apparently someone is" you say and mark is confused but then opens his mouth wide cause he now knows that you know.

"What's going on?" Arizona says. "y/n get up, I need to speak to you" he says. "I'm not moving" you say and mark literally pushes you off your seat making you nearly fall over. "Honestly like brother and sister" Callie says as you and mark walk away.

He pulls you in an on call room. "What do you know?" He asks. "I know that you slept with my sister when she's married to your bestfriend!" You say. "Are you out of your fucking mind!" You say and wack him with a newspaper that was in the on call room. "Ow!" He says and grabs the newspaper off of you. "Don't mention this to Derek! Infact don't tell anyone. Please don't be mad with me I can't loose you as a friend" mark says. "mark I love you and Derek both so much but Addie's my sister and she always gets my support, I would support her and be ok her side in anything! Even if she was wrong cause she's my sister" you say.

"Awhh you love me and Derek!" He says and you roll your eyes. "You are like a five year old" you say. "I'm sorting things out okay, I never meant for Derek or Addison to get hurt, but don't tell anyone and you can't take back them words that you love me" he says. "whatever" you say as you walk out the room. "you love me little Montgomery!!" He says as he walks away from you. You get paged and it's Arizona 911. You rush to Arizona in the ER and there's a little kid. "What have we got?" You ask.

"6 year old boy, carcrash, smashed his head in the backseat, unconscious and delayed breathing" Arizona says. "Please help our baby!" The mum crys and trys to see him. "order a head CT" you say. "Yes Dr Montgomery" one of the nurses say. "please save him! He's my boy!" The mum says. "ma'am I'm going to need you both to get out and wait in the waiting room" Arizona says. "No that's our baby!" "Someone get them out of here" you say and Torres, who was checking his bones get them out.

Derek comes in and you go up to surgery. You standing next to Derek and Torres is fixing a leg. "y/n something's going on with addison" Derek says and you gulp. "You know something" he says. "no I don't!" You say getting defensive. "Yes you do!" He says. You two were honestly like brothers and sisters.

"Tell me"he says. "You need to talk with her derek...or let her come to you" you say. "Whatever is will it affect us? Your one of my bestfriends y/n and I don't wanna work with no other neurosurgeon" he says. "awh look at you! I'm your bestfriend!" You say and Derek laughs.

You and Derek are out of surgery addison comes up to you. "Derek can I speak with you please?" Addison says. "Yeah" Derek says and they go into the supply cupboard. 

You sit by the nurses station and start to feel out charts.

A few minutes later you can hear Derek shouting. Mark comes over to you. "What's going on in there? Why is Derek shouting?" Mark says. "why do you think mark?" You ask. A few minutes later mark is still with you and your both listening. All of a sudden the door opens and you and mark pretend like you weren't listening. Addison comes out with tears running down her face. "Mark go" you say and mark goes home to avoid Derek.

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