Chapter 1 - It's A...Day, I Guess

Start from the beginning

Victor gave her a nervous glance and she tried to ease his concerns with a crooked smile.

🎵(Y/N): "It's an...interesting day."

🎵Victor: "I guess, you could say."

🎵(Y/N): "An interesting day for wedding."

Victor chuckled and rolled his eyes, nudging his sister's shoulder playfully.

🎵Victor: "It's a rehearsal, remember? Sister, dear."

She grinned as she nudged him back.

🎵(Y/N): "A rehearsal for an interesting wedding."

Their parents began to walk down the steps towards the carriage and the siblings were quick to follow them. There was a puddle in their mother's way and she glared over at the carriage driver, Mayhew. His eyes widened and he immediately took off his apron and threw it on the puddle for her to walk over.

🎵William: "Assuming nothing happens that we don't really know."

🎵Nell: "That nothing unexpected interferes with the show."

With that being said, Nell sent a glare over to (Y/N), who gave her an innocent smile and held up her hands to show she wouldn't do anything. She would be lying if she said that she didn't do things that was usually the cause of her mother's annoyance. Sure, Victor did get his fair share of complaints and grievances from her but (Y/N) was the main source. She liked to be defiant, she hated her mother's rules, and it was the reason she ended up in trouble most of the time.

🎵Both: "And that's why everything, every last little thing, every, single, tiny, microscopic, little thing must go~"

They both went around the carriage, making sure to roll up all the posters and make the carriage look more presentable.

🎵Nell: "According to plan!"

🎵William: "Our son will be married."

🎵Nell: "According to plan!"

🎵William: "Our family carried."

🎵Both: "Elevated to the heights of society~"

(Y/N) jumped as her parents came up next to her, her father grabbing her arm and pulling her close, while her mother grabbed and squished her face.

🎵William: "And our daughter, the poor little thing."

🎵Nell: "Might even get a man and a wedding ring!"

They let go of her and moved back to the carriage. Both Victor and (Y/N) watched as their parents danced a waltz around it before looking over at one another, both not looking forward to today.

🎵Nell: "And to the costume balls!"

🎵William: "In the hallowed halls."

🎵Nell: "Rubbing elbows with the finest."

They both stopped their dancing, Nell swinging her elbows about while William smiled and bowed to her.

🎵William: "Having crumpets with Her Highness."

🎵Both: "We'll be there, we'll be seen! Having tea with the Queen! We'll forget everything that we've ever, ever been."

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