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As the young Wielder walked away from his friend's fire, he found his thoughts moving away from the grim news of the scry report. And towards a consideration of what he needed to do to prepare for what should be a hard fight at Tavrintha's fortified harbor.

More food? Definitely. Five days worth of involuntary fasting followed by some fairly vigorous activity had left his body resource poor. He needed to fix that.

Which left the state of his mind and spirit. He could meditate to calm his mind and make sense of both what the Star had told him about the Elves springing more Covenants on his unsuspecting brothers when that ritual should've ended with his selections. And the scry report revealing a world in the grip of a multi-front war against the Shadow that threatened to overwhelm the Five Races if they didn't take control of the situation and start achieving victories instead of just holding the line.

Just thinking of those things made Shawn chuckle wryly. He had a pretty good understanding of those things already. And the answers he needed wouldn't come from meditating.

But he did need to center himself. And the best way to do that was with the keeper of his heart.

Dezi was busy checking the Covenant's supplies against a list she had in hand when he found her. She must've been concentrating hard because he was able to come up behind her without noticing, something that normally would be virtually impossible to do.

<<Do you need help, my dusky dove?>> he asked in a low voice as he put his arms around her.

Her reaction was instant. Instead of involuntarily stiffening as most people who are surprised do, she twisted around to throw herself against him with a heart-wrenching sob. There she clung to him, her body shuddering with the power of her emotions as she released every fear and emotional pain she had been holding in since he fell in the Tower.

Holding her tight, Shawn kissed the top of her head before cradling her close. At the same time he silently berated himself for being an idiot and not coming to her first. Was she not the keeper of his heart? The woman that he had loved, and she loved him from the beginning?? How terrible it must've been for her to be helpless as she watched him fall and discover nothing could rouse him!

Several long moments went by before the crying slowed then stopped.

<<I know we need to talk about everything that has happened, my silver flame, so my mind will be put at ease,>> she hoarsely whispered against the throb of his carotid before she tenderly kissed it. <<But right now I need you to make love to me and reassure my soul that you are alright. That we are alright!>>

<<Come,>> he said, holding her close as he turned and began walking them back towards the tents.

<<My tent is this way!>>

It started as soon as Shawn laced the door closed. Kissing and intimate touching, with clothing being shed with the same rapidity that was usual when Shawn spent time with his true love. And that was where it changed. Instead of the passion-filled straight line to bed to begin the powerful and intense lovemaking Dezi was known for, his dark elf wife slowed things down considerably by carefully and intensely exploring every part of him with her hands, mouth and lips as if she meant to burn the memory of him into her mind.

When she was done, Dezi then had Shawn explore her in the same manner, guiding him with gentle touches and whispered words to make sure he found every part of her. By the time he was done, they had made it to the cot. There a much slower, but equally intense lovemaking began, with nothing rushed, and everything experienced to its fullest. So, by the time she finally let herself climax, Dezi was sobbing with release, spilling not only her emotions out over her beloved Shawn, but her fear for his well-being, and the fear that she had lost him again.

Sons of Ironstorm: Book 5 - Griffon's WarWhere stories live. Discover now