Breaking Black

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We were working in the café again, quietly. Most of the other employees were currently on break so it was just us rangers working our day job for the most part.

"Chase can't you finish anything?" Shelby grumbled as she walked passed me with a tray of burgers as I put together a drink for my table

"Chase I swear if you just squeezed condiments onto the side again, I'm going to use your hair to clean it." I sigh, hearing the sauce splatter onto the counter... dang it

The boy in question shook his head, taking the drink from my hand "I'll do that" He mumbled, dissappearing off to the table

I paused for a moment "what's Chase meant to be doing again Ri?"

"Hes on the grill? Why?" He asked, not looking away from the dishes

"He just walked passed me..?" I gasped as a strong scent of smoke waffed behind me "I'm gonna kill him..."

Then panic ensued, Riley rapidly fanning the grill, Tyler dissappearing to collect the fire extinguisher and Chase trying to make excuses for it as he profusely apologised.

Kendal rushed in, evacuating the customers in order to temporarily close the café for the rest of the day. The other workers either going home or helping with tasks elsewhere in the museum.

"Chase, you could've burnt down the entire museum with that fire"

"And expose our base" Shelby added

"Okay" the ranger dismissed "I get it... I promise to pay more attention to- Moana!"

He moved to greet the woman who entered the closed café, the rest of us giving him space as they talked, moving away from us slightly once she asked him for help

"She seems nice" I whisper before looking to my friends who all angle themselves to listen in to the conversation infront of them. I gently whack Rileys shoulder with a menu whispering to him harshly "dont be rude."

"I wasn't doing anything!" He mutters back, hands up in mock defence

"Moana is a Matakite. A Maōri fortune teller from New Zealand" Chase interrupts the whispers

"You have to guard my shop!" Moana desperately calls out to the new Zealander, her voice having risen enough for us to hear her clearly

"Really? Chase is gonna guard it?"

"Hope you have a fire extinguisher" Kendal adds after Shelby, a more serious edge to her voice but her comment made the others laugh, except Koda, who glances around us confused

"What is that?" Koda questions

"Its something you spray onto fires to put them out safely" I tell him and he nods

"In cave we use dirt uh- it kill fire with little smoke" koda mumbles in cracked speech, trying to find the words to say, I nod along anyway

"It would be cheaper to use dirt but health and saftey codes disagree." Kendal mutters, tapping her clipboard boredly until Moana pointed to Chases energem in their talks

We looked between ourselves and back to the two and the black energem before Chase is whisked away by the fortune teller with a quick "I can handle this" as he trips over the dinosaur exit jaws of the café

"Should we be worried?"

"No, I'm sure he'll do a good job... he seems to care about her. He'll focus more" Riley sighs

"Yes but I'm confused about the energem. How did Moana know about it?" Kendal looks to us, hoping for a plausible answer we didn't have

"We can asked Chase that when he gets back. He wouldn't endanger a friend like that I'm sure. There's a good reason" Tyler shrugged

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