A fools hour

187 3 2

"Hi there, do you know what you'd like to eat?"

"Yes, could I have a bronto burger and fries with a lemonade please?"

"Yep, it'll be over soon"

I walk away from the table, writing down its number before handing it to the kitchen

"Do you know if anyone's covering us? Our break starts soon"

Isla asks, her eyes showing worry for being stuck here during the lunch rush

"I'll call Miss Morgan, I'm pretty sure my friends are meant to be here"

She nods, walking away to continue making the order while my eyes shift over the waiting tables

My coms buzzer breaks my thoughts as I excuse myself into the back room

"Muss Morgan? What's up?"

"Several objects entering the Earths atmosphere, I've sent coordinates"

My face pales as I look over to Islas worried glance

"I'll be there soon"

I shut of the coms and look towards everyone working

"I am so sorry, something just came up, once it's dealt with I promise I'll take a double shift"

"Y/n it's okay, can you hand this order to table five before you go?"

I nod, quickly grabbing the meal from Andrew and place it on the table

"That'll be £12.95 please" the person hands over the money "thank you, have a nice meal"

I walk away, placing the cash in the register and hang up my apron, giving another sorry glance to everyone working before running out to the coordinates Miss Morgan sent.

"Hope I'm not too late to the party"

"Oh you're not! Allow me to introduce the most magnificent intergalactic bounty hunter in the universe!"

The valentines regect yells out as a extremely ugly monster flies down with a snarl

"The one, the only, my future husband Sledge!"

"This is a joke right?! You're the rangers who destroyed my monster?"

"No we're McDonald's" I give him I bored look

"Power rangers" Shelby glares, planting her feet to give her better balance as the monsters laugh

Seeming to be in another world Tyler looks up, following his gaze I see the same monster who attacked me and my brother, the same red lion like creature that was there when we found the energems, weird

"As I was saying... you're the trouble makers that stole my energems!"

A ripple forms a little infront of us the red cloak and staff of a friend appearing from it

"Keeper, its you...."

"The energems belong to no one. Especially not to you"

They stand in a glare off Sledge continuing to get more aggressive

"My dear old friend. You thought that blowing up my ship could stop me? Think again, I waited for the perfect moment and after millions of years a comet finally passed... All it took was my electronets which allowed me to be lead back to Earth."

Fight Together (power rangers Dino charge x reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum