Chapter 5

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A/N: ***Trigger warning: this chapter contains violence.***

Chapter 5

As the weeks passed, Regina spent more and more time with Eala, even helping with the farm work, ensuring they had more time to spend together, once the daily chores were complete.

Life was drastically close to perfection.

"Regina! You stayed out all night again!" Tink scolded one morning as Regina rushed back to the castle. "You have to be more careful when you sleep over at Eala's. The King will be up soon."

"Well, technically I didn't 'sleep over' at Eala's...because we didn't do any actual sleeping," Regina said with a naughty smirk.

"I don't suppose it was because you stayed awake cleaning the house and catching up on your reading." Tink laughed, teasing Regina.

"We made love all night, Tink. All night long. We passed out from exhaustion a few times only to wake up thirty minutes later to continue. It was the most intense experience of my life," Regina said, her face turning bright red as she recalled the night she had just spent with Eala.

"How romantic." Tink smiled. "Now get going, before someone finds out that you're missing!" Tink said, pushing Regina toward the castle.

Regina was so late that by the time she made it to the servant passageway, it was already filled with the castle servants rushing around to prepare for the day. To avoid getting in their way, she decided to walk through the castle instead.

"Regina?" a small voice called behind her as she was approaching her bedchambers. She sighed, disappointed. She almost made it to her room without being spotted.

"Good morning, Snow," she said, turning to face the King's ten-year-old daughter, Snow White.

"What are you doing up so early? Where are you coming from?" the noisy child asked.

"I...uhhh..." Regina stuttered, not prepared for the question. "I went on an...early morning ride...through the forest..." Regina said, doing her best to hold back a yawn.

"Oh. That sounds nice. Maybe next time I can come with you," Snow suggested.

"Umm...yeah, maybe. I need to change. I'll see you later, Snow," Regina said, stepping quickly into her room, slamming the door behind her. She had no intention of changing her clothes anytime soon, as she rushed over to her bed, flopping down instantly, exhaustion taking over her body. She climbed under the covers, pulling the blankets over her head, as her eyes began to close on their own. The scent of Eala radiated from her skin, as visions of her Soulmate flashed through her mind as she fell fast asleep.

Regina was more careful the next few weeks, making sure to leave Eala's slightly after the first light of dawn, to ensure she made it back before anyone even knew she was gone, crawling back into bed, and sleeping for several hours.

"Regina?" she heard as the door to her bedchamber opened slowly, a small head popping through the crack. "Regina, are you feeling alright? You're still in bed, and it's the afternoon. And you didn't come down for lunch either."

"I'm fine, Snow," Regina said, rolling over under the covers.

"Then why are you still sleeping?" Snow asked, asking far too many questions for Regina's tired mind to process.

"I went on another early morning ride this morning," she answered, hoping the child would get the hint and leave her be.

"Oh. I was going to ask if you wanted to go on a ride with me now. I guess you're too tired for that," Snow said, disappointment in her voice.

The Swan and the QueenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora