Chapter 4

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***Trigger Warning: This chapter contains descriptions of non-con sexual assault as well as the after care of injuries sustained in said act.***

Chapter 4

After their first meeting at Eala's farm, they began meeting twice a week, realizing that they look forward to seeing each other and often count down the time until they can be together again. Eala's farm began to thrive, allowing her to produce more and sell more. They were both happier and healthier and in good spirits. Regina continued to bring Eala a new book every week, oftentimes reading it herself the previous week, allowing them to discuss the book after Eala finished reading it.

"Can I kiss you?" Eala blurted out one evening as Regina was preparing to return home. It was their fourth time meeting at Eala's farm, and they had spent yet again another amazing evening together, talking and eating Eala's amazing food.

" want to kiss me?" Regina asked, suddenly shocked. No one had ever kissed her before, especially not the King.

"Regina, I've wanted to kiss you since the first night you asked if you could join me for dinner."

"How come you haven't kissed me yet?" Regina asked, still shocked.

"I...was too scared to be honest," Eala admitted.

"There's nothing to be afraid of." Regina smiled, reaching to tilt Eala's chin up.

Their eyes met for a moment before Regina leaned in and pressed their lips together. A bolt of lightning shot through their bodies as they both began to deepen their kiss, pulling away after a few moments.

"That was my first kiss..." Eala whispered, her eyes still closed.

"Mine too..." Regina answered, pressing her forehead against Eala's.

"Was it worth the wait?"

"And then some," Regina said, pulling Eala in for another sweet kiss.

"I don't think we should meet twice a week anymore," Eala said before initiating a third kiss.

"Please tell me it's because you want to meet more than twice a week, not less?" Regina asked, a little breathless from their kiss.

"More. Definitely more," Eala whispered.

"I couldn't agree more," Regina said, initiating another kiss. Needless to say, Regina arrived back at the castle much later than usual.

Everything was perfect.


A few weeks later, Eala was out in the fields, harvesting new vegetables to sell at the market, when she heard the sound of hoofbeats rapidly approaching the house. She rushed to the front just in time to see Regina's horse galloping toward her with Regina on his back. Something in the pit of her stomach told her this wasn't going to be a happy surprise.

"Regina? What are you doing here? Did I mix up the dates?" Eala asked as she approached the fast moving horse.

That's when she realized that Regina was crying.

"Eala..." she whispered as Eala reached up to help her off the horse. Regina fell into Eala's arms immediately, her body shaking as she wrapped her arms around the blonde's neck. She realized as she held Regina that she wasn't in her usual light blue dress, but still wearing what appeared to be her nightgown.

"Regina, what happened?" Eala asked, holding the shaking woman tightly in her arms. She held Regina for a few more minutes until the woman pulled away. Eala scanned her body to make sure she wasn't injured.

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