"I see. Thank you. I am counting on you." Says Tatsumi to Ludwig.

"Thank you." Says Ludwig to Tatsumi. Later, he looks at Tatsumi's sword, Kurome's katana, Taeko's katana, Poney's Yocto-Bottoms, and Cornelia's Crushing King. "I think that...I can do something with your weapons." Says Ludwig.

"Our weapons?" Asks Tatsumi.

"You don't have to be worried. I can do something with that." Says Ludwig.

"Our weapons? Even for Shingu?" Asks Poney.

"Indeed. I can improve the power of Shingu." Answers Ludwig.

"What about Imperial Arms?" Asks Leone.

"Imperial Arms?" Asks Ludwig then looks at Leone's Lionel and Sheele's Extase.

"Yes." Answers Leone.

"Sorry for saying this. I'm afraid that I can't do that. Imperial Arms are unique and some of them are created from something from danger beast. Even some of them are living Imperial Arms. Remember that long time ago another Emperor attempted to create a weapon that could surpass Imperial Arms but ended in failure. As the result, he created Shingu. Understanding the mechanic of Imperial Arms is impossible." Admits Ludwig.

"Okay then." Leone nods at him.

"When will you do that and how long?" Asks Taeko.

"I can do it now. For how long, it will take more than just a day. One week at the latest." Answers Ludwig.

"I see. Thank you so much." Says Tatsumi.

"You're welcome." Says Ludwig.

"Wait. Before you do that, I need another trousers or skirt. Is there anyone who has trousers or skirt?" Asks Poney.

"Oh. No. I think that we forgot to buy clothes." Kurome realizes.

"Anyway, can I ask you something?" Asks Tatsumi to Ludwig.

Meanwhile, Merraid, Chelsea, Gilberda, Cassandra, Daniel, Barbara, Meela, Loris, and Tawbrek are in the room number 19. Loris is sleeping with Meela on the bed. Daniel is looking at the window. Tawbrek is sitting on the sofa. Barbara, Cassandra, Gilberda, and Chelsea are looking at Merraid who is sitting on the sofa.

"What?" Asks Merraid to Barbara, Cassandra, Gilberda, and Chelsea.

"You're changed. A lot." Answers Chelsea.

"Changed?" Asks Merraid again.

"Uh...Huh..." Chelsea nods at her.

"I see..." Says Merraid.

"Did Tatsumi change you?" Asks Barbara.

"No. Why?" Answers Merraid.

"I knew it. Tatsumi changed her." Whispers Gilberda to Cassandra.

"What will we do next?" Asks Barbara.

"Right now, we need to follow their game." Answers Merraid.

"And what next?" Asks Barbara.

"I said right now, we need to follow their game." Answers Merraid.

Hearing what Merraid said makes Barbara, Cassandra, Gilberda, and Chelsea confused.

"I will ask you again. Did Tatsumi change you?" Asks Barbara.

"No, of course not." Answers Merraid.

"I don't want to say this. You will always 'No man can change me and all men cannot change me'. What happened to you? Did Tatsumi change you?" Asks Barbara.

Chaotic Empire (Tatsumi X Harem X Another Crossover)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora