1. Welcome to the Capital

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(After the VERY long hiatus, Finally I am back.)

Tatsumi is in capital with red eyed girl named Akame and black eyed girl named Kurome. Tatsumi follows the two girls to the capital.

"So you want to raise a money for your village? You are in the right place." Says Kurome to Tatsumi.

Akame however, she doesn't looks happy to see Tatsumi.

"Thanks...Kurome. But first, I need to reunite with my friends." Says Tatsumi to Kurome.

"Well. If you described your friends more specific, we would found your friends easily." Complains Kurome to Tatsumi.

"Am I not specific enough to describe my friends?" Asks Tatsumi. "Whatever, let's focus on searching my friend and please don't try to give me more question about my friends." Says Tatsumi.

In the Capital, Tatsumi is amazed by the people, buildings, and facilities. He is even more amazed when he sees The Capital's Big Castle.

"This capital is great." Tatsumi is amazed.

"If you like it, then you need to see more." Says Kurome.

Three of them are walking in the city looking for Tatsumi's friends even though that Akame and Kurome doesn't know how do his friends look like.  Only Tatsumi knows how do his friends look like.

They are walking around the capital and looking for Tatsumi's friends but they find nothing.

"Tatsumi, are you sure that your friends are here?" Kurome doubts.

"We promised that we will go to the capital." Says Tatsumi.

Later, Tatsumi's stomach is growling means that he is hungry.

"Let's find the nearest restaurant shall we?" Suggest Kurome knowing that Tatsumi is hungry.

"Don't worry. I am....." Answers Tatsumi..

"But your stomach says no." Kurome notices while Akame just sighs.

"No need to worry about me. I need to find my friends. That's the important thing that I must do right now." Says Tatsumi.

"I won't recommend you to do the task with empty stomach." Says Akame.

"Big sis is right. Your stomach is also important to." Says Kurome.

Tatsumi just sighs after hearing what Akame and Kurome says. He listens what they say and he decides to find the nearest restaurant.

"Okay. Fine. Let's go to the restaurant." Says Tatsumi and together they are searching for the nearest restaurant.

They are arrived at the restaurant. Kurome and Akame are looking for the empty sits while Tatsumi are counting his money inside his wallet hoping that his money enough to pay the food.

"I guess that it's enough to three..." Says Tatsumi to himself in confidence.

After that, a young lady with long, dark grey hair and lime eyes comes right behind Tatsumi.

"You still have a chance to leave." Warns a young lady.

"Huh?" Tatsumi looks at the young lady but she is already dissapeared.

"Hey, Tatsumi. We find some sits over here." Kurome calls Tatsumi.

"O...oh yeah...sure..." Tatsumi then looks at Kurome and Akame and goes for sit ignoring the warn from young lady.

Kurome, Akame, and Tatsumi are sitting together. He is nervous because he is between Kurome and Akame.

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