Chapter Two - Mickey x Minnie (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse) angst

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After a long and tiring day at work, Minnie was really looking forward to going home to spend some time with her husband. Her keys turned in the lock and she saw Mickey, hunched over on the couch, typing furiously on his toodles-shaped laptop. She ran up behind him and gave him a big hug.

"Hiya honey! Do ya wanna watch a movie tonight?"

"Not now Min, I have a report due tonight that needs to be finished" he said in a monotone voice. She gave him a small smile and laid her hand on his shoulder.

"Maybe you should take a break. I really missed you today, thought we could spend some time together."

He slapped her hand away. "God, I said no! Can't you fucking listen? Are you so clingy that you can't leave me alone for one night?"

She backed away, eyes widening in shock. This wasn't like him, this wasn't the mouse she knew. She could feel the air in the room thickening.

"Fine, if that's how you feel. I need some air" Minnie grumbled, grabbing her bag and keys and storming out the door.


Mickey rubbed his eyes as he looked at the screen. He made a final edit on his report and attached it to the email, pressing send. He tossed the laptop to the other side of the couch and grabbed his phone to check the time.

"Two in the morning? Oh boy, I better get to bed" he muttered sleepily, stumbling towards the bedroom. He opened the door and was shocked to see that Minnie was not there. Suddenly, the memories of their earlier conversation started to come back to him.

Panicking, he dialled her number with his shaky black paws. No answer. He tried again. And again. No answer. He could feel his little mousy chest growing tight with guilt and worry.

He grabbed his big yellow shoes and ran outside into the dark night, trying to think of where she would go. "Daisy and Donald's place might be a good place to check" he thought to himself, turning the corner from their shared clubhouse. And then he saw her - sitting on the swing set of the playground nearby.

He slowly approached her from behind.

"Honey, it's really late. Please come back home" he pleaded.

She turned around to look at him with bloodshot eyes and tear stained cheeks. He paled on seeing her upset face.

"Did you mean what you said? Do you think I'm clingy?" she asked.

He ran up to her, wrapping her in a tight hug. "No of course not. I was stressed, which is no excuse, but I truly didn't mean it. I was just really overwhelmed and I said some things I didn't mean. I'm really sorry, please forgive me?" Mickey begged.

"Of course I forgive you my love, but next time just talk to me when things are getting to be too much, okay? I don't want those cute yellow shorts to get in a tangle."

"I know honey, I will. You ready to head home?" he asked as she nodded.

They walked hand in hand, back to the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Climbing straight into bed upon their arrival, Mickey cuddled into Minnie's side, gazing up at her in love.

"I love you Minnie" he said.

"I love you too Mickey" she said, slowly drifting off to sleep.

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