Thank You

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Wow! I want to thank you all for all your love and support throughout this journey. I posted the first chapter of this story on Nov 11, 2016 and on June 19th 2023 the final chapter. 6.5 long years with almost 3 years of gap in between. You guys holded the story and made me come back to finish and give a proper ending to this beautiful story.

I have a couple more pending stories that I will be wrapping up soon as well. I recently got married and have a full time job so currently juggling between the responsibilities and still trying to get some time to complete the stories. I will not say goodbye to my stories but once my long stories are finished, I will be more so focusing on short stories (ss) and one shot (os) stories.

Will you guys be interested if I write stories about some random (imaginative) characters besides MANAN? What kind of stories would you like to read? Maybe some suggestions will be great so I know what my readers are looking for!

My beauty my curseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora