"Come on, I still have a lot to show you" he says pulling me out of the room

"There's an indoor jacuzzi" he says making me my eyes pop out and a gasp leaving my mouth.

"Really"? I squeak out and he just laughs and nods at me.

We walk further away from the painting room but then I start feeling dizzy and tired so I stop a bit, he noticed I wasn't following up so he stops too and cones to stand in front of me

"Are you okay"? He asks and I just nod trying to balance myself.

"Just got a little bit dizzy, I guess I've been walking too much all day" I breath out trying to joke but his expression doesn't change

"You don't look okay Raine, maybe we should do this another time, you should rest, come on" he takes my hand leading me away from our initial direction.

I really wasn't feeling okay, I was weak and dizzy, I had been feeling that way for a while now, at first I thought it was stress, then I thought it was the fever but it's just getting too frequent, especially the lightheadedness.


I just got back from work and Jace was nowhere to be found, he wasn't in his room or his home office but his car was parked in the driveway.

He had finally given me one of his cars that I could take to work but not after making me swear that I wouldn't crash it.

I walked back down to find Gladys maybe she could know where he was.

"Gladys" I called when I entered the kitchen and she turned to look at me "Do you know where Jace is"? I asked, I still haven't gotten to the point of calling him my husband, even though everyone else does

"Yes Raine, he's up in his art room" she says going back to working and I just nod and walk out to look for him.

I got to the art room and hope it's not locked, and yes it wasn't locked so I opened it gently and walk in to find him sitting in front of a canvas and painting.

It looked like nothing much at first, but on a closer look, it was a girl walking barefooted on a beach with the sun going down.

Her face was facing the waters so you couldn't tell who she was, and she was putting a white top and black pants.

He stopped when he heard my footsteps
"Hey" he breath out looking at me, his hair was ruffled and he was putting on a sleeveless shirt, with his tattoo on his arms.

"Hey" I chirped my eyes raking the room "what are you painting"? I asked looking at the canvas

"The sun, beach and a girl" he told me putting down his brush and paint pallet.

I nod and let my eyes wander round the room until it stopped on something, it was huge but covered with a brown cloak

It's hard to miss but if you don't look closely well you just might miss it, I walk towards it, and when I'm in front of it I stop and turn to face him

"What's this"? I ask and when he looks up his eyes widen a bit before he answers

"It's nothing" his voice didn't sound convincing and the curious part of me just won the battle because I pulled on the cloak and took it off whatever it was covering.

And my mouth hung open, my eyes nearly popped out of my sockets, he had gotten up to stop me but it was already too late, I could feel his presence behind me

I was looking at a painting of..... Me
He was painting me, there were still a few parts remaining, but he had painted my face already.

"Raine" he breathed out but I didn't even move
"It's not...." He stops and sigh out loud.

I turn to face him "why do you have a painting of me in here"? I asked and he opens his mouth to speak but closes it back, running his hands through his face

"Raine I..... I don't know how I'm going to explain this to you" he breaths out making me scrunch my brows

"Explain what"? I ask

"This, what I feel for you" he whispers out making my eyes widen "look I know I've not been the best person in the world, hell I think I'm the worst you ever come across" he says closing his eyes and opening them back.

"But I can't keep hiding it, I can't keep hiding the fact that I still love you Raine" my eyes just literally popped out of my brain

"Jace" I whisper out

"Raine I love you, I don't think I ever stopped loving you and I'm not saying this because I feel guilty or pity but because it's the truth and it's been eating me up for the past four years" he says taking my hands in his.

I can feel the tears sting my eyes but I'm trying to keep them in, I don't say anything because I'm afraid only sobs would come out

He still loves me
Jace still loves me
But I couldn't help the fact that he cheated on me not once or twice, countless times.

"Jace we can't" I voice out and he looks taken aback by my response

"Why Raine"? He asks and I just shake my head

"It's..... It's complicated, there are things we can't just ignore that has happened since we broke up four years ago" I say turning my face away from him

"Raine, whatever has happened, it's in the past, we can just put it behind us and move on, he says making me scoff at him

"Move on you say, Jace you cheated on me" my voice trembling and I could see hurt flash through his eyes."But I guess it's okay because I did the same thing" I say trying to free myself from him but he doesn't let go.

"I'm sorry" he voices out making me look at him "Raine, I'm sorry for everything I ever did, knowingly or not, I know nothing i will say can erase them from your heart but I'm sorry, I'm ready to do anything you want, just give me another chance please" he pleads

As much as I want to blame him for what happened, I can't do that, it was never his fault and I can't deny the fact that my heart still beats for him.

I wouldn't want to waste any time fighting with him, hence I might regret it, I shut my eyes and just let the tears fall, he is quick to stop them with his palms as he wipes the tears away

And just like that his lips find mine in a kiss.


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