The secrets pt10

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                                                                          Year : 2018 

Hoping to start with great opportunities in this year without any worries. As I saw him on the first day of the new year and i felt like the whole year I will able to see him around. I smiled. 

Why we get excited for those things which were about to happen soon? Is really worth to be excited? Agh!!!

Months were passing of soon even my 12 boards to hit me in a month I wasn't prepared very well. I was totally creating a mess because of not studying well. Few days before of my exams evrything was well enough. Mg father and his friend met up on some ocassion. That uncle (father's friend) had a elder son with good quality of job. My father usually talks with him . Even he was not that much in looks but earning a well owned job. But what that's bothering from him? 

Few days before my exam may be a week left for it and my granny got ill. Everything went into the hell. Nothing can't be know what happened to her. Is he really getting sick or may be he will not be fine anymore? But what's that related to me? Isn't it!? Mom and dad went to look after her i was all alone in this situation. As I had not prepared for the exam and don't have any one to support me during these phase of time. Even mom got ill after this happened! She was not near proper condition in this days. She won't able to get up from the bed . She don't even talk to anyone. She was very much sich even she talk rubbish while laying on the bed. She don't ever look over us. She was sick and i can't see her like that. But what to do now? 

I was surprised with what to do now with my studies and how could I overcome such issue? Is it really well for me!? Aagh ! !! What the hell is going on with me? 

A day before the exam  mom got hospitalized and I was all alone. I couldn't help myself. Why everything happened at once ? People were consoling me and giving sympathy for what had happen. Is she dead? What the hell are you people behaving with me !! I buffled. 

I was so frightening the whole night and went to sleep while studying. Couldn't able to study for a single minute. I just let go all my worries by sleeping and left on my luck. Even i discussed with aarav but only thing he can give me is study well . But he couldn't help me though. I couldn't study at all 

The day of  my first exam and i was well in the morning. Even done a small revision so that I could write of atleast passing marks . Went to the exam hall and also met mg friends they were cheering with the starting of exam . And i was not sure how will I write in the exam ! I gave them best wishes for exam even they told to be good luck. 

Got the paper in my hand and took the pen to write. Looking at every single question I felt like u had never studied this before. I was blank!!! :(((. No one can help me now. To fill circle we need black pen and due to hesitation i forgot that black pen. I was startled. What to do now ! Noone around is familiar to ask . But I got the guts to ask examiner to arrange me black pen . She was good she gave me one. 

I took God's name and started writing with non stop of any words or the MCQ circles.  I had completed the paper before time as I wasn't sure about any single answer. I look around every student in that class and while looking at them I felt , i m the worst who completed with writing without knowing anything else. Went outside as completed with the exam. Even day by day I got goosebumps of my exams. And after few days my mom got in good condition in hospital and she even talked to me but I was all alone during every single exams. Aaah! Even i always talked to aarav to get my feel good and also he gave me courage to overcome the fear. He always told me don't panic everything will be fine okay! Nothing changed during all this process. 

My dad's friend son used to come to meet me always so I can feel better but I don't like him. His eyes were so ruthless. Always i got the bad intentions from his side. He do try to touch me and console me even. I saw him many times with my sister cousin around. I thought he would like him. Even he had affair with her . I saw them intimating many time. I wasn't sure about all this because I had never seen from so close. He was different kind of person even Dad liked him. Because he was all good from outside but what was his inner self I don't know . Who would know he could be my trouble maker soon to be. Mom returned after 15 days from hospital. I wa relieved to look at her. Everything was running smoothly. Mom was getting healed and also getting side effects of medicines . I was worried is she is fine. As me aarav we were good together on chatting but purposely mom was getting other intentions from me whenever I took mobile. She mostly asked me why I am using phone recently? I told her i just watch those kdrama on YouTube which I like not rather then that. Heh hhah! 

Next month everyone was sitting in hall and having talking about wedding and all . I was busy chatting with aarav sitting at one corner. We both argued on some point and he told if you would not take stand for me then we should be apart. We again came on those things which were troubling me inside. I told him I m not strong as you. Even my parents are not good against all this. You are a boy you could explain but I m a girl who is not allowed to speak such things in between. He replied " is this way you love me ? Haah again you r doing the same thing kia keep this in my if you are not strong how could I able to support you tell me . If you will be against me at that situation how will I able to overcome your parents. At the end you will be against me and i will be all alone. Are you in your senses.? It is hard but not impossible just you have to support me that's all I want" they will emotionally damage you at some point but you have stay firm . Okay . I replied with sadness " i think I am not that strong to overcome such things as I had suffered one time from all this on my birthday. I don't think my parents will understand us ! He exclaimed me " did u even tried once ? "  I was all sad. 

And at the other side my parents asked me we thought about your marriage!! I was shocked

Whatt!???? Marriage are you people serious . 

Haah! How could you all decide at once ? They told don't worry we are not doing it now. But we are thinking about it. My friend son hope you know him and even he stays here we all have seen him growing he wil be best fit for you. I replied. What ? Dad how could you decide by your own??

Mom told me just listen once . He is good boy and he even stayed here we all know about him. What's wrong to say no to him. I told them why are you in so hurry? Mom told me "Look I am always ill so why don't you settle and be good." I replied  why? But you are now all well. Dad told me you will not listen to us. Parents are always right for their children. Why are being against? He is good boy. Even we talked to his father. I shouted " how could tell them without knowing me ! Did I said yes? Then how you all taking decisions. How he looks firdt think about it and he is very elder from maximum 5-6 yrs more. No I will not mg decisions is no.. tell them my daughter is not ready yet. Dad told me we are not marrying you right even we are not ready with finance. I was shocked listening at one end. And at other side of phone I was getting apart from aarav. I just messaged aarav about what had happened. He told me very good have your marriage. As you don't want me ! Right . I told him I m sorry I can't do it more. Please understand my situation. He told first be strong . If you want to apart let's do it . I m sorry to love you. I will block you don't ever try to message me. He blocked me. Again. I was all alone in such situations. What to do now! 

Hey keep reading!!!

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