𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨

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- Avery's POV -

After what happened last week, Tom gave me his number, he said he would text me first, but he still hasn't. I finally got put of the house, I got my own apartment, I moved in yesterday, I love being on my own, no more family drama I have to deal with, when I told my mom I was moving out she just yelled at me in german. I got a two bedroom so my brother could stay over whenever he needed to.

I sat on my bed, staring at my phone,"When will he text me?" I thought to myself. "What if he doesn't text, what if he forgot about me?" What am I thinking, he barely knows me, I mean, the only reason he knows me is because he stopped me from jumping off of a building.

- Toms POV -

I've been thinking about texting her, Avery. I hope she's okay. I told my brother about what happened, he said I should text her and see how she's doing, but what if I come off as clingy of whatever- "What the hell are you thinking" I thought to myself, "The only reason she knows you is because you stopped her from jumping, she probably forgot about you." He sighed and threw his phone across his bedroom, he sat on his bed and ran his hands through his thick, black braids.

Then I heard it..


I ran to my phone and picked it up, seeing the text.

hey, it's avery.

I smiled. Finally.

hey avery, how are you doing?
read, 8:38

I thought she was going to leave me on read, then another one, ding.

I'm doing alright, a lot better thanks to you :).

A smile appeared on my face.

Glad I could help.
Read, 8;43

I shut my phone off and put it down, ding. I grabbed my phone quickly.

Hey do you wanna hang out maybe?

Of course, today?

Yeah, why not?

Alright, I'll pick you up, text me your address :)

-Her address-

Cool, see you in an hour

Sweet, make it a date :)

I guess I was going on a date, but am I complaining?? Hell no.

- Avery's POV -

I got up quickly and started getting dressed I did a light makeup look, eyeliner under my eyes, mascara, and some chapstick, I refuse to do heavy makeup.

I walked to my closet and grabbed an outfit I thought would look nice, and of course it looked amazing.

I walked to my closet and grabbed an outfit I thought would look nice, and of course it looked amazing

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                      ^ THE OUTFIT ^

About 20 minutes later I heard knock at my door, I ran to the door and opened it, I had just finished putting my necklace on, I swung the door open to see tom standing there.

"Avery, hey, you look amazing" He smiled, he looked me up and down and fiddled with his lip piercing a bit.

"Thank you, tom. You look good too" I smiled at him.

"So uh, you ready?" He asked.

"Oh! Yeah, sorry" I grabbed my bag and oet my cat before walking out the door, "Bye garfield! I'll be back later!" I shut the door and turned around, facing tom.

"You have a cat named Garfield?" He chuckles

"Mhm, he's such a sweetheart!" I started walking, he followed not very far behind me.

"So, what do you wanna do?" He looked at me, asking as we got into the elevator.

"Hmmm I was thinking the mall maybe?"

"Sure" he said smiling

We got to the mall and we walked around for a bit, he bought me a few things, like matching bracelets, I smiled when he put his on, we haven't known eachother very long but I like him a lot, he's very kind to me and nice. Apparently he has a twin brother named Bill.

After we left the mall, I seen a piercing shop and decided I should get one. But I would let tom pick.

"Tom, what piercing should I get?" I asked him.

"You want me to pick?" He asked

"Yeah, just nothing to crazy, okay?"

"Well, how many piercings of the limit?" He asked.

"Hmmm two." I smiled

"Perfect, then." He grinned

After about an hour, we left the shop, I groaned in pain.

"Why did you pick these, it hurts!"

"Beauty is pain, remember? I mean, your words not mine" he chuckled.

I held my chest, I had taken off my bra, the piercings were very obvious through the shirt, I caught tom looking a few times, we ended up going back to his house so I could meet his brother, Bill.

- Toms POV -

I think she caught me looking a few times, but whatever. I was taking her to meet Bill now, she was holding her chest , obviously in a lot of pain, I almost felt bad.

I hear a soft moan like sound come out of her mouth and I look at her in shock, she was covering her mouth, I started laughing.

- Averys POV -

He was really laughing!! God that was so embarrassing!! I literally moved my hand and I hit one of my breasts and it hit the piercing. Ouch. What a jerk. I put ny head down in my hands, sighing, he was still laughing.



Aaaaa woahhhhh what just happened

𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐉𝐮𝐦𝐩. 《𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐊𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐳》Where stories live. Discover now