"It's just genetics, Horikita. My father is similar."

"But still..."

Horikita is back at it again, trying to explain my existence with the use of absurd, baseless theories. I don't understand why I talk to her. It must be puberty.

The girl's attitude suddenly changed completely, as she had found a different target on me.

"A-ayanokoji-kun, may I touch?"

Horikita held her trembling finger about an inch away from my abdomen, asking if she could make physical contact with it. She did not appear to have any ulterior motive, with no weapon in sight and no dangerous foreign substance present on her finger. I looked at her questioningly, but then slowly nodded my head.

Horikita's soft fingers made contact with my abdomen, at first with great caution. Her cheeks appeared slightly pink for some reason as she traced the muscles of my torso with her hand.

"It's so hard...and big..."

Horikita muttered this phrase multiple times, before finally removing her hand from my body. Having another's hand on one's body was certainly an interesting sensation, but Horikita's hand had access to various pressure points that could damage my body. Allowing her to touch it meant that had shared a some level of trust between one another. Indeed, being an average high school student, I felt somewhat at ease with Horikita Suzune.

Unfortunately, the next voice that I heard was not Horikita's. It was the dreaded voice I never wanted to hear. I heard an easygoing, flippant slacker of a young man's voice in my head once more.

Ahh mou~ Ayanokoji-kun, why do you always call me a slacker? Anyway, I gave you a short break, but you really need to improve your decision making skills teehee~.



1. Ask Horikita if you can fondle her chest.

2. Ask Horikita and Kushida if you can fondle their chests.

Man, haven't you missed me? Oh yeah, your missions will be here in a week or so. I still need to proofread them. Well, probably. See ya!

Probably? What a relaxed fellow. I wonder if this is the man receiving the prayers of all the religions. A single phone call would both confirm their faith in God and simultaneously make it vanish.

I looked at Horikita closely. Perhaps, through our shared mutual trust, we could relieve each other of our pain. I mimicked Horikita's movements from a few seconds ago, stopping my index finger about an inch away from her chest and gazing down into her eyes expectantly.

"Horikita. May I touch?"


If there is one thing you must have observed about me by now, it is that I am a good person by most moral standards. I am generally kind, generous, and truthful, and whatever exceptions that may occur to this rule have a good reason behind them.

Some moral standards may consider me a failure, such as the one upheld by the ancient Egyptians. According to their system, each lie uttered by a human being increased the mass of their heart. At the end of their life, the heart of each person is weighed. If heavier than a feather, it is devoured by the feared goddess Ammit, and no one knows what ill fate befalls the poor man next. Otherwise, the dead man would be given a plot in the Land of the Rushes, a world identical to the one he just left. He would be expected to maintain the land until...

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