Gia on the other hand was a PR officer and a Media consultant at ADL Sports, Aliyah became close to her when she found out that Gia also volunteers at the PRC. Through the help of Aliyah and Alex, she was able to reach her dream job working as the head media content creator for Formula 1.

The three of them weren't there as Alex and Gia were already in Monaco for the Grand Prix, while Lily was in San Diego visiting her family, but she will be flying to Monaco tonight to be there for Alex.

The seven of them were always there for one another. They all tried to be there for each other's big milestones in some way or another.

Aliyah's best memories were still them going to watch Lily's tournaments or the time Gia, Alex, Lily, Teddy, and Tom flew out to watch Aliyah and Maya dive for Red Bull in Paris. Or when Lily had faced timed them from the race in Australia for Alex's debut in F1. Or when all of them surprised Aliyah in 2019 by flying out to the Philippines to cheer her on in her home country for the SEA game where she won gold.

Or how all of them watched on Zoom call as Tom and Maya won Gold and silver in the 2020 Olympics because of quarantine. Or how they all somehow surprised Gia with balloons and Alcohol when it was announced she got her job in F1.

And when Aliyah had her accident in 2019, all of them flew from everywhere they were in the world, just to be by her side. Even when Aliyah had tried to push them away, and believe me she tried. They still stood by her, even to the point where the first few months when Aliyah had started physical therapy one of them always tried to come and join her. And to that, she is eternally grateful to have them.

"Well, I personally, think it's a great idea for you to go! And at least you'll get to spend time with the others" Tom smiled, making Aliyah roll her eyes at the Olympian as she placed down her friends' order on their table.

The moment Alex, Lily, and Gia found out Aliyah was actually coming to Monaco. They begged her to stay for a few extra days. To hang out in Alex's apartment seeing as the three of them barely see Aliyah since they mostly live in Monaco now.

"Yeah, maybe Leah can finally get laid!" Maya grinned at her wiggling brows.

Aliyah shook her head throwing a sugar packet at Maya, making her gasp.


"She has a point, Leah, the drivers are hot..." Teddy said practically drooling at Carlos Sainz and Charles Leclerc as he at this point while stalking the Formula One's Instagram page. "Maybe Alex can set you up with one or two..."

"Hey! I'm purely there to support my siblings and to have a good time" she said giving a pointed look at her friend as she went back behind the counter.

"And a good time she will get!" A voice boomed from the door making Aliyah and her Friends look to see what it was.

"Christian!" She smiled warmly at the man at the door. "What, are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in Monaco by now?"

"I should, My flight leaves in an hour. But I wanted to get the team 2 boxes of dozen of the finest pastries in London" He smiled, as aliyah rolled her eyes at the flatter.

"Well, then let me go get those for you, James can handle you upfront. Right James?" Aliyah turned to one of the employees that had been working with her.

He nodded and turned to Christian "This way please, Mister Horner" pointing to the cash register.

Christian nodded and passed by her friends' table "Maya..." greeted her

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