Chapter 4 - Reconcile 🔞

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"Becky it's okay!" Irin said panicking. Becky hasn't stopped crying for 2 hours. "I-it's not! *sniff* I've never felt this way for anyone! And she took my virginity! Do you know how important that is!?! But I'm probably just a one night stand to her!"Becky said crying into her pillow. "Please... calm down. You are worth more than.. you know! Don't cry over her!" Irin said comforting her. "Here.. why don't you take a break from work tomorrow, I'll tell her."

"Goodnight Becky.." Irin sighed. Becky already fell asleep. "God she is such a kid.." Irin chuckled.

*The next morning*

"Becky come to my office- you.." Freen called Becky but was surprised to see Irin. "Hello Miss Sarocha. I am filling in for Becky, she doesn't feel well." Irin stated. "Of course she sent her girlfriend.." Freen mumbled but Irin heard but no one else. "Wait... I need to talk to you right now!" Irin said walking towards Freen and dragged her inside. "Let go of me you wench!" Freen pulled away and fixed her suit. "Listen to me, do you think Becky and I are dating?" "Are you not? I saw you kiss her at that restaurant..." Freen growled. "Okay first of all, your creepy for stalking us... Second i was comforting her, third. I have a girlfriend! And it's not Becky!" "W-wait.. so you guys are not dating..!!?" Freen shocked. Irin shook her hand. "Oh shit... then why did you kiss her!??" Freen panicking.

"Because of you." "What..? Me?" Irin sighed. "I'll explain." "You see, i know about you and Becky.. you know.." "What? Know what?" "Fucked. What else?!? So basically Becky and me set up a dinner so we could celebrate her getting a job. I asked her what she did and she told me about you guys. Well I kinda forced it out of her.. anyways. After that she started to overthink. What was think like what if she wasn't the first person you had sex with? I told her not to overthink because someone wouldn't just do that, have sex with you and just leave. I mean you were her first time. She kept thinking that she was a one time thing to you and started crying. I comforted her and kissed her to make her feel better. Not in a romantic way. We have been friends for years and besides, I'm her roomate but we haven't done anything."

"Shit.. i really messed up." Freen realized. "Yeah... you should go make up with her right now. I don't know if she's awake but she has been crying non stop." "I'll send you the address and here is a key to our apartment, I trust you." Irin said. "Thank you... your a great friend Irin, I'll pay you for your work here." Freen then ran out leaving Irin in her office.

She started driving to their apartment and it started to rain.  "Shit! Stupid weather I can't see anything!" She continued driving but her car broke down at the last few minutes. "Fuck.. not now!" She went out of her car and called a company to pick up her car. "Fuck! I have to walk.. if I don't I'll be there by midnight."

Freen grabbed a jacket and started running towards their apartment. The jacket didn't help as she was soaked by the rain. She took the jacket off and kept running. The rain kept getting heavier but she finally arrived. She was sweating and felt dizzy. "Ahhh... ahh... ah shit..." Freen breathed heavily. She unlocked the door and went inside. "Oh Irin your finally..." Becky turned to see Freen in her doorway. "B-Becky...." Freen walked towards her but then she fainted. "F-Freen!"

Becky caught her, "Freen!!?! Freen wake up!" She tried calling Freen. "Dang it..." Becky dragged Freen to her room and grabbed some fresh clothes to change her in. She undressed Freen. "Fuck... Becky snap out of it! She doesn't like you and she's your boss!" Becky said slapping herself. She changed Freen and got a wet towel to put on her head. "Geez... why are you so stupid to walk in the rain! Don't you have a car?!! Your rich!" Becky said scolding Freen when she is unconscious. "Just... be okay." Becky sat next to Freen to watch her. She fell asleep soon.

*2 hours later*

Freen woke up in a comfortable bed, but she felt sick. "Ahhh...... mmmm~" Freen stretched slightly. She opened her eyes to see Becky sleeping in a chair. "Why is she sleeping in a chair.. this is her bed." Freen carried Becky to the bed and tucked her in. She gave a small kiss on her cheek. "I'm sorry love.." Freen sighed. She went to go take a shower.

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