"Just stop it mom, what are you saying"? She said glaring at both of them "I'm engaged to Jace" at the mention of his name, her father snorted in disapproval and her mom just snickered

They never liked this Jace character, he didn't seem like the right one for their prized possession, that was what they saw Raine as

"Jace isn't offering us 15 million dollars honey so better think your choices again" her father spat at her and she scoffed.

"Well I love Jace and that's who I'm going to get married to" she said matching her father stare.

"I knew you were gonna say this, what did I tell you Stan, she's so ungrateful" her mother said with bitterness.

She was already used to their harsh words so it didn't even bother her

"As your father, Raine I'm telling you that it's either you get married to Chris or you're going to have a lot of blood on your hands" her father spat at her

She scoffed "Are you threatening me now dad"? She asked muttering under her breath

"I'm not threatening you Raine, I'm telling you what I can do, you have from now till the end of tomorrow to call things off with this Jace boy, or you'll force me to take his life" her dad seethed before dropping a phone in her hand.

She looked at it and there she saw Jace and Ryan, both in their apartment, where she just left them minutes ago.

"We have them under 24 surveillance and let me tell you, there's a sniper set on both their heads, one wrong move from you sweetie and your boyfriend and his brother goes bye bye" her father muttered lowly "so you're going to break up with him tomorrow over the phone, and if you as much as let him know what's going on, he'd be dead before you even finish" he told her with anger.

Tears were already blinding her vision, what did she ever do wrong for her parents to hate her this much, her father snatched the phone from her and walked out along with her mom leaving her there in the pool of her own tears.

She broke down into an uncontrollable sob, she was hurting deep inside.

They had just asked her to break up with the man she saw a future with and to do that over the phone, would she be selfish to see if they actually go through with their threats, but knowing her parents, she know they don't just make empty threats, one wrong move from her and she'd have the bloods of the man she loved on her hands.

*End of flashback*

I had been so foolish to not have seen it that night, all these years I had been blinded by my own feelings I didn't realize she was hurting too.

I didn't even realize I was crying until I felt the tears drop on my hands.

I looked up to find her in tears too, I so badly wanted to pull her to me but I guess I lost that chance.

I had hurt her too, her parents, Chris and now me.
Fuck I hated myself already for this.

She sniffed "I had to plead with them to let me see you one last time, so they allowed me to break up with you physically" she explained and I just breath out.

I don't say anything, I just stare at her for a while before getting up and walking out of her room, I couldn't stand to be in here right now, it was killing me.

I had hurt her far too much to even be in her presence right now
For four years, I had been fucking wrong, I blamed her for everything but she was only saving Ryan and I.

She gave up herself so we could both live, she could have easily ran away and they won't find her, but she chose to stay.

I drove out of the house and headed straight for the club, I had called Ryan to meet me there.

I needed to talk to someone and I needed a strong drink to help me through the night.

He met me at the club, I had already started having a few drinks when he came.

He knew something was wrong the moment he saw me, so he pestered me until a few bottles later and I had told him everything that happened.

Everything Raine explained to me, I had given him a run down of it, including the part I read in her journal of how her dead husband had abused her countless times.

He was as shocked as I was when I found out too, I was already drunk and I knew I couldn't go home tonight, because I can't even face Raine.

We both left the club and since he wasn't rally drunk, he drove me to home.


Sorry if the book feels rushed, there's going to be a lot of time loops from here on out, not really huge ones but just to get to the interesting parts

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