Chapter 12: Maximum Beat! part 2 + After Party

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Suspense filled the air.

Sarah was still crying, she was covering her mouth. The crowd was still cheering, but the beat of my heart drowned all that out. I was worried if she said no. But she answered:

"I cant" Then she ran off the stage

"Sarah!" I tried to run after her, but when I got to the stairs that lead backstage, my manager stopped me.

"Fans are counting on you to perform. Look, I understand you feel sad about your crush, but you also have to understand that there are fans there waiting for you. This will ruin the entire MusicMax franchise" He said gently

The crowd started booing, but I didn't care. I pushed my manager away and ran after Sarah. She was almost at the corner. She finally reached it and turned right. By the time I got there, she was gone.

"Argghhh!" I slammed my fist on the wall, some blood coming out.

I heard a voice outside announcing tl the microphone

"MusicMax will just be changing, he will be back shortly"

'Boo's' were heard. I was starting to have tears in my eyes. Maybe she was inlove with someone else. 'Okay! Jim, pull yourself together' I said to myself

On that happy note, I went to the dressing rooms, and I changed. They fixed my hair and stuff. Then, I went on stage and said

"New York! Are you ready?!" I asked through the microphone

A huge 'yes!' was heard from the crowd. Music started playing.

"This is a song of mine I wrote about a girl. The girl I loved" I started to get teary eyed in that part, but I held myself together. Getting hurt was a part of life, as I read in a story. It makes you stronger. Then, I'll use this pain to make me stronger.

"Its called 'The stars in the night', sing along if you know the lyrics!" I said

As I sang the song, lots of people began cheering and some began singing along. After the song, I said:

"These next songs are a little something by Ed Sheeran" I said

And a lot of people cheered. Especially the girls on the front row.

"And there's a little bonus surprise too, here with me to sing Thinking Out Loud and Photograph, Ed Sheeran ladies and gentlemen!" I said with excitement. I was a huge mega fan of Ed Sheeran. People started cheering as he got on stage with his signature guitar and red hair.

"Hey Ed" I said and shook his hand

"Hello there, M&M" he said with a small smile

"Hey not funny, besides, that name is taken already, even if its 'eminem', okay?" I said

We were talking through the microphones, so people could naturally hear us. And believe me when I say that almost the whole of MSG was laughing.

Anyways, so after a few more jokes, one crew member gave me my guitar and we both started playing Thinking Out Loud

When your legs dont work like they used to before

And I cant sweep you off of your feet

Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?

Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks? I sang

And darlin I


Be lovin you

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