Chapter 6: The Great Wall Race

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"Once a year, this city becomes more than a city. Once a year, these streets... become more than streets." A commenter speaks offscreen as an ad plays on Yacht's TV. Bai, Red and Lin watch eagerly as it plays, Zhizhu spots the three while carrying ingredients for a brunch, "Uh, what are you three doing?" Bai shushes her instantly, "SHHH! Watch!" The commenter continues speaking, a golden trophy shaped like a peach pops up on the screen, confetti showered behind it, "This year... the winner will become... immortal!"

"Peach of Immortality!!" Bai aggressively shakes Red, all three smiling and laughing with each other. Zhizhu raises a brow, "The peach of what-see?" Bai and Red snap their heads towards Zhizhu, gasping in sync. "WHAT!?" Both start shouting at Zhizhu for not knowing what it was. Lin slides into the conversation, clearing his throat, "If you both will allow me?" Both stop yelling and gesture for him to go.

"*Ahem* Legend says that in the Heavenly Realm, there is a sacred field of trees, protected by the Celestial court. Every few thousand years, these trees bring forth the Peaches of Immortality. Against the wishes of the Heavenly Host, one day, these peaches were taken by demons, making them immortal! These same peaches gave the Monkey King, his immortality" Zhizhu grows more confused, "Wait- I thought Monkey King was already immortal." Red groans, "Zhu, you're missing the point! Whoever wins this race will..."

"live forever!" MK unknowingly finishes, showing off the poster to his parents, who weren't paying attention. MK waves at Macaque, "Hello? Are you even listening!?" Macaque turns his head, "Oh! Sorry, Xiaotan. What were you talking about? Peaches?" MK nods, Macaque sighs, "Look, Xiaotan, I appreciate your suggestion but there's no need to get an immortality peach." MK frowns, "But... you said for me to get temporary power sources! These things are powerful!" "And that was a mistake on my part. You almost died at the Bull Mansion!"

Macaque looks back to Wukong, who had summoned clones to break open the glowing crack on the floor, "Besides we have that." MK sighs, "I know. But still, Dad had one of those peaches, so I thought maybe we could also split a peach for ourselves?" Macaque smiles and lets out a chuckle, "Oh, well... I am familiar with vehicles now." MK's eyes shine, "Really!? Yes!" MK calls out to Wukong, "DAD!" Wukong turns and walks to the two at the back, "What is it, Kid?" MK shows off the poster, "I and Baba wanna join this race! We'll get a peach of immortality if we win!"

Wukong laughs, "Oh, please. I've had enough of those already." "You don't have to race. Me and Baba were planning to. So we can eat the peach and be immortal with you! What do you think?" Wukong looks at his cub in astonishment, "Really? I love that idea!" MK jumps up with joy, "Yes! Alright, me and baba will compete and you can cheer us on the sidelines! Ooh! I know just what vehicle I'm gonna use!" MK speeds out of the mountain, Macaque sighs, "He reminds me of you too well." Wukong laughs then leans into Macaque's ears, "How do I cheer, exactly?" "*Sigh* I'll show you how."


"C'mon! They allow group racers!" Bai hugs Red's leg, Red tries shaking her off, "I don't wanna get a lecture from Zhu if you break a bone!" Bai gives them puppy eyes, "Please?" Red mumbles gibberish, "UGH, FINE! I'll let you come with me!" Bai lets go of her leg and jumps around in excitement, "YES, YES, YES! THIS IS GONNA BE SICK!" Lin shares the same joy beside them, "Those racers won't stand a chance!" Red smiles as the two get hyped, "Right? I've been dying to race on that track for years! I know it like the back of my hand!"

Bai smiles, "You seem more excited than us!" Red loses all composure and gets energetic, gripping Bai's shoulders tight, "Of course I am! After all these years I finally get a chance to compete!" They let go of her and begin pacing back and forth while rambling, "I know every alley and shortcut! All the turns and stops! I was made for this!" Red finishes and raises his arms as if they were already holding the trophy, Bai cheers her on. Meanwhile, Lin grins and looks away from them, "Yep! I'm definitely gonna win."

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