Lord Corlys stomped past the Queen and his brother, grabbing a nearby man's arm and whispering in his ear. After checking that she was okay, Vaemond stepped closer to the brewing fight.

"Brother." Vaemond warned.

Lord Corlys sharply turned, letting go of the man's arm. With his aggressor distracted, the man slipped away, disappearing into the crowd of bodies that had gathered. Enora's eyes found Rhaenyra hidden in a corner of the balcony, her sight locked on something as she ignored everyone around her.

Enora followed Rhaenyra's line of sight, realizing the Princess had been staring at her uncle. If that is who Rhaenyra had decided she wished to marry, she would be hard pressed to find any supporters. Enora didn't even know if she could convince Viserys to even consider the match, let alone agree to it.


Upon entering their guest chambers Enora found Viserys standing before the lit fireplace. Closing the doors behind her softly, the Queen walked to where Viserys stood, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You should be resting, my love."

"I wished to speak to you, I want your opinion on a matter.."

"On what?"

"Rhaenyra's marriage."

Enora took a deep breath before she began to speak. "She is not happy, Viserys, she has not been for a very long time. She is lonely, she is miserable in her sham of a marriage. You have heard the rumors of Laenor and his squires, of where the man's attention truly lies, on what gender. It is not women, Laenor lusts for, and the realm knows it. Her marriage has made her a mockery, the butt of jokes."

"And what should I do? Slight Lord Corlys? Humiliate my cousin's House?"

"Rhaenyra's claim to the throne is weak and you know it, she has no children to strengthen her claim, to succeed her. Aegon would be her heir when she ascends the Iron Throne. You know as well as I do, that Aegon is not fit to rule." It didn't matter in Enora's mind if Aegon was fit to rule or not, she could not allow her father's wishes to come true. No Hightower would sit the Iron Throne in Otto Hightower's lifetime.

"None of this matters if Rhaenyra cannot find a better match."

Silence filled the room as Enora considered her words. "Do you ever wonder what might have been if Rhaenyra had wed Daemon?"

"Why would I think of such things?" Viserys asked as he stormed to a nearby table and poured himself a cup of wine.

"You cannot be so blind, Viserys." Enora followed after Viserys. Wishing her husband would see reason."Rhaenyra loves Daemon, she has yearned for him for as long as I can remember. And Daemon loves her as well."

"Daemon only wants my throne, he cares little for Rhaenyra's heart." Viserys argued, gulping down his wine.

"That is where you are wrong, he has loved her since before I returned to the Keep. He has loved her longer than you have loved me. Allow them some happiness. Annul Rhaenyra's marriage and betroth them."

Viserys opened his mouth to speak when the doors to their chambers flew open and a servant ran in.  "Your Grace, there's been an incident."


The flame from the fireplace was the only light cast around Hightide's Great hall. Enora stood beside her son holding his hand and cooing encouraging words as the Maester stitched the wound where his eye was meant to be closed. Aemond had been attacked when he entered the castle, and one of the culprits was still nowhere to be found. All nobility had gathered in the throne room as knights and guards searched the castle for Aemond's other attacker.

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